揭密CCIE R&S V5考试更新
为什么要发布有关CCIE 路由和交换的博客?
过去四年在每一个Cisco Live session上我都会被要求在我的博客上写下讲稿。我不清楚这是否跟我非母语的英语口音难以被大家理解有关,或者只是因为不同考生的学习风格和偏好不同,当然,也有可能是因为这两种情况都有。不论是甚么原因,我认为把一些有意义的想法写在博客上跟大家分享是值得的。
现在CCIE路由与交换V5.0(CCIE R&S)考试已经正式推出了,我会跟大家分享一些常被讨论到的要点,希望可以在你准备CCIE R&S认证考试的时候帮助你。
如果你正在阅读这篇博客,希望你不要太惊讶,因为CCIE R&S认证考试正在经历着重大的项目改版。
2014年6月4日,如今4岁的CCIE R&S v4.0已经全面退役,并由CCIE R&S v5.0取代。新版本中,不论在考试内容和考试形式方面都有些重要的修订,而这均是考生在准备考试时想知道的。
下面是一些已发布到思科网络学习空间网站上的官方CCIE R&S文件、专题视频和会话记录等的链接:
让我们更着重于讨论CCIE R&S,它帮助验证专家级的工程师。专家级工程师的工作涉及到网络基础建设,包括第2、3层和VPN技术。虽然网络架构技术相对于四年前的最后一次修订,并没有明显转变,但有大部分的技术或多或少变得有些相关或有些不相关,因此需要在课程上进行少许修订以确保认证技术紧贴目前的工作岗位的需求。
正如General Eric Shinseki曾经提到:「如果你不喜欢变化,你会跟不上潮流甚至更差。」
为了提高认证考试的相关性,我们对考试的内容和实验室考试形式都进行了调整。你一定会仔细查看官方文档并查看完整的考题变化列表,但你会发现大部分考点的变化都在笔试上。实验考试增加了两个大考点(DMVPN和IPsec),删除了一些如Frame Relay、PFR和ZBF等的考点。幸好,一部分考生(MQC)在短时间内已开始或至少有能力学习这两个新的实验考点。我认为新的实验考试形式的变化实际上比增加这两个新考点更有重大意义。事实上,新的实验考试已全面虚拟化、有新的计时及计分规则,最重要的是,新增加一个全新考试模块 “诊断模块”。
随着CCIE R&S V4.0改版新增的Diagnostic (DIAG) 新模块,将实验考试模块从两个到增加三个。
在CCIE R&S V4.0,TS排错模块已使用虚拟路由器和交换机。但配置模式还是依靠在一套五个固定的路由器硬件和四台交换机硬件。因此,实验情况并不是很合理和现实的。有多少网络只有五台路由器?如有,利用这些有限的节点可以测试多少技术?使用虚拟路由器可以完全排除这些限制。如今,我们可以很容易模拟出带有更多结合现实技术的真实企业网络。这大力改善实验室考试场景与现实工作中的相关程度,换言之,虚拟化使考题更逼真!
Demystifying the Changes to CCIE R&S V5
Why a blog about CCIE Routing and Switching?
At almost every Cisco Live session where I’ve presented during the past four years, I get asked to write down the speech in a blog. I don’t know if it’s due to my non-native English accent, which might be difficult to understand at times, or if it’s simply the diversity of learning styles and preferences – or both. In any case, I too have felt that it could be valuable to put some thoughts down in a blog and share them with a broader audience.
So, now that CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 (CCIE R&S) is out, I'll be sharing some recurrent discussion points, hoping that they might help some of you as you prepare for your CCIE R&S certification.
Where can I find the official documentation?
If you are reading this article, it is, hopefully, not a surprise that the CCIE R&S certification has just undergone a major program revision. As of June 4, 2014, the four-year-old CCIE R&S v4.0 has been retired worldwide and replaced by CCIE R&S v5.0. With this new version, there are a number of important changes to the program – both in terms of content and exam format – that candidates will want to be aware of when preparing for the exam.
There are a number of official CCIE R&S documents, supporting videos, and session recordings that have been published on the Cisco Learning Network and other sites. Here are some useful links:
Rather than review the content in the links above, I will instead give my personal opinion regarding the changes.
Wait, why change the exam? Relevancy! Validity!
As you know, the only constant in life is change. This is especially true in the IT industry, where the pace of change is rapidly increasing. And since CCIE certifications are validating and endorsing the Expert-level skills of network engineers, these certifications have to stay aligned with the current technologies that are widely used in the field. This alignment ensures that the certifications remain relevant in the market and maintain their established reputation as being some of the most respected IT certifications.
Let’s focus more specifically on CCIE R&S. It validates the Expert-level skills of engineers, whose job tasks are related to the network infrastructure, including Layer 2, Layer 3, and VPN technologies. Though the infrastructure technologies have not dramatically changed from four years ago when CCIE R&S was last revised, there are a number of technologies that have become either more or less relevant, and therefore some adjustments to the curriculum were required in order to keep the certification aligned with current job roles.
At the end of the day, don’t you or your current or future employer want this certification to validate the skills that you use every day, and not obsolete ones?
Like General Eric Shinseki once said, “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”
In a nutshell, what has changed? Virtual! Diagnostic!
In order to improve the exam’s relevancy, adjustments were made to both the content and the lab exam format. You will definitely want to carefully review the official documentation and get a comprehensive list of the changes. What you will discover is that most of the topic changes apply to the written exam. The lab exam has essentially added two substantial topics (DMVPN and IPsec) and removed some other large topics like Frame Relay, PfR, and ZBF. Hopefully, a minimally qualified candidate (MQC) is already working with, or at least able to learn, these two new lab topics in a relatively short period of time. I think that the new lab exam format is actually more significant than the addition of these two topics. Indeed, the new lab exam is now fully virtual, has new timing and scoring rules, and, last but not least, has a whole new exam module called “diagnostic.”
What is the new diagnostic module and why has it been added?
The addition of the new diagnostic (DIAG) module increases the modular approach of the lab exam, introduced with CCIE R&S v4.0, from two to three modules.
The main objective of DIAG is to evaluate the candidate’s thought process when troubleshooting a networking issue. This deepens the assessment of the candidate’s troubleshooting skill, which is the key differentiator between an MQC and a non-MQC at the Expert level.
Just like a medical doctor or a mechanic, professionals need to identify what the problem is before fixing it. Similarly, a network engineer must analyze what the root cause of an issue is before effectively applying a possible solution.
In the troubleshooting (TS) module, points are granted when any possible solution that does not violate any guidelines or constraints is effectively implemented. All that matters in TS is that the symptom is resolved and that the solution is appropriate, regardless of how the candidate came to identify the root cause.
On the other hand, DIAG focuses exactly on the first few steps of the troubleshooting activities or workflow. Which device, interface, or feature is or is not causing the reported symptoms? What information is missing in order to progress in the troubleshooting workflow? What is the order of operations that produced the reported symptoms? What changes should or should not be performed in order to isolate the issue without causing more harm to the network?
These are some examples of question styles that DIAG will use in order to assess the root cause analysis of a networking issue. In some ways, this kind of assessment was present in the very early days of the CCIE exam, when the lab exam spanned two days and the proctor verbally asked the candidate to explain the rationale that led to identifying the root causes. However, there were no formal points granted for these explanations, and in many cases, the reliability of the assessment could be biased by the proctor’s subjectivity.
As explained and demonstrated in the online resources, the format of the new DIAG module has been designed so that there is only one possible answer to the question being asked, thus removing all subjectivity and ensuring a deterministic scoring.
Another important aspect of DIAG that I’d like to mention is that, in my opinion, it should be familiar to experienced engineers, who are used to troubleshooting networking issues while not having direct access to the console of remote devices. The questions are presented like support tickets for which somebody – a customer, a first-line support person, or a colleague – is providing a set of documents and asking the candidate to help resolve an issue. This is hopefully a very common situation for an MQC.
Going virtual makes it more realistic!
Governments, academia, and other industries extensively use simulators for training and testing purposes because of obvious advantages, including minimizing cost and risk compared to using real gear, environments, or situations. Think about airline companies using flight simulators, the military using war games, Formula 1 drivers training on racing simulators, medical doctors practicing in simulated clinical environments, etc.
With CCIE R&S v4.0, the troubleshooting module was already using virtual routers and switches, but the configuration module was still based on a fixed set of five hardware routers and four switches. So, the lab scenarios were not very plausible or realistic. How many networks have only five routers? If any, how many technologies could be tested using this very limited number of nodes? Using virtual routers completely eliminates this huge limitation. Now we can easily build network topologies that mimic real-world enterprise networks, featuring a more realistic combination of technologies. This in turn, dramatically improves the relevancy of the lab scenarios. In other words, going virtual makes it more realistic!
What else?
There are other important changes to the lab exam, briefly mentioned above and detailed in the official documentation – like new scoring and timing rules – that you will want to understand before taking a shot at the exam. I’ll share my thoughts about these changes in upcoming blog posts. I’ll also give some recommendations about how to approach the exam and build an efficient strategy to tackle it. But for now, I’ll conclude this post with this thought: All of these changes to the program were done to protect YOUR investment of energy, time, money, and resources that are required when legitimately pursuing your career certification, and ultimately advancing your career! On a side note, these changes help me – and the whole certification team – sleep well at night, knowing that any pass/fail decision made on any exam attempt was valid, reliable, fair, and, quite simply, deserved.
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