ITIL(IT infrastructure Library)最初是由英国中央计算机和电信局CCTA(现在已经并入英国商务部OGC)于20世纪80年代开发出的一套IT服务管路标准库,它是有关IT服务管理的一个最佳实践框架,现在已成为国际IT服务管理领域的事实标准。ITIL强调基于“以流程为中心、以客户为导向”的IT管理理念,将传统的IT管理活动按照流程的方式重新加以组织,并强调根据客户的业务需求提供质量可靠、成本合理的IT服务。
ITILv3与v2的主要区别,在于引进服务生命周期(Service Life Cycle)模型,并提供许多丰富的新资源,让ITIL不再只是提到“做什么”,而是明确说明“怎么做”,加强与COBIT、CMMI、Sigma等标准的结合等,并让企业可以根据自己的业务,按需要设计并实施适合自己的ITIL应用。
ITIL v3有哪些网络资源?
OGC ITIL V3 FAQ:http://www.itil.co.uk/2006_08_29_faq.htm
OGC ITIL V3 News:http://www.itil.co.uk/news.htm
OGC Best Management Practice:http://www.best-management-practice.com
• ITIL Foundation:该认证主要是针对从事IT服务管理的人员,要求了解ITIL的基本术语、概念和各个ITIL流程之间的关系,并掌握IT服务管理的基本原理。
• ITIL Practitioner:该认证针对从事IT服务管理的特定流程人员,要求掌握运作某一个具体的ITIL流程的能力和经验。
• ITIL Service Manager:该认证针对更高层的IT服务管理的人员,如IT经理和顾问等。
现有ITIL V2证书获得者是否需要重新进行V3的认证?
如果我获得ITIL Foundation认证,我是否可以参加ITIL v3下的Practitioner和Manager培训?
可以。ITIL v3推出后,所有ITIL认证仍然有效。
如果我公司一些人已经获得ITIL v2认证?为了更好的沟通,是否每个人都应该获得ITIL v3认证?
没有必要,因为术语和实际流程的变化并不多。人们应该在适当的时候参加培训,以支持他们的具体需要/创新。对于那些参加ITIL v2培训然后想学习ITIL v3做出的具体变化的人,参加短期进修课程是比较合适的。
APMG V2版本ITIL考试形式与现有的没有多大变化。
更新的课程真的能够帮助我们有效的理解ITIL V2与V3的不同点吗?
如果您真的在ITIL V2认证考试前参加了为期3天的正式培训,那么一天或二天的更新课程培训将会帮助您理解V2与V3的不同点及相同点,并且可以帮助您通过ITILV3的升级认证。
• 帮助实现从技术工程师向IT服务管理专家的转变,提升个人职业发展平台;
• 突破单一的技术思维,学会用流程的方式处理IT服务运作中的诸多非技术问题;
• 证明自身的专业能力,胜任更多的IT管理工作;
• 降低企业自身培养IT管理人员的成本,更有利于促进技术、流程和人的标准化,从而最终实现IT服务支持和提供过程的标准化;
• 帮助企业提高IT服务质量和降低IT服务成本。
参加ITIL V3认证需要具备哪些条件?
对ITIL 基础级别认证考试的人员的职业背景和专业培训方面基本上没有特殊的要求。无论从事哪个ITIL流程的工作,都有必要参加这项认证。
对ITIL中级级别认证而言,要求考生除获得ITIL Foundation认证之外,还要求考生必须接受至少16小时或18小时以上的ITIL专业培训,并完成一定时间的课后作业。
ITIL 高级大师级别认证考试的人员必须考试的人员需要具备以下条件:
• 通过ITIL Foundation认证并获得资格证书;
• 参加由两大权威机构(EXIN或ISEB)授权的ITIL认证培训机构的培训;
• 通过授权培训机构的评估;
• 至少拥有5年以上从事IT工作的经历以及2年以上从事IT服务管理中高层工作的经验。
ITIL V3的认证体系的改变,谁将是发证机构?
ITIL V3 的认证体系也将随之做出调整,ITIL新版本将由APMG(APM Group,英国知名的资格鉴定和认证公司)作为认证服务的官方代表。
授权考试中心是指与EXIN签署了合同并得到EXIN授权的组织。该组织可以为考生提供EXIN 指定的考试项目。如上海翰纬IT管理研究咨询中心(SinoServiceOne)已经EXIN授权成为其在中国地区的授权考试中心(AEC)。
可以。如果你有理由相信你的分数是不正确的,你可以提起申诉。AEC会为你提供一张表格填写相关信息并陈述你提出查分请求的理由。提出查分请求需要缴纳的费用是150美元。如果最终发现查分请求是合理的,查分费将会返还给申请人。对于论文形式(即非选择题)的考试,AEC可能会组织一场评审会,考生可以对照评分指南自己审查自己的答案。组织一场这样的评审会所需的费用是150美元,时间是1小时。AEC可以联系 Service@exin-exams.com 索取组织这样的评审会所需的相关材料。对这样的评审会也需要进行监督(就像组织一场考试一样),并且不允许带出任何有关资料的笔记或复印稿。在评审过程中,考生可以填写一张表格提出相关的申诉(该申诉由AEC寄给EXIN)。
Where can I learn more about ITIL V3 project and what the changes are?
The official ITIL Refresh website is located at www.itil.co.uk and is updated bi-weekly.
Additional relevant resources are listed at the bottom of this document.
OGC ITIL V3 FAQ http://www.itil.co.uk/2006_08_29_faq.htm
OGC ITIL V3 News http://www.itil.co.uk/news.htm
OGC Best Management Practice http://www.best-management-practice.com
APMG Group website http://www.itil-officialsite.com/home/home.asp
If I took ITIL Foundations training under V2, will I be able to pass the exam under V3?
That should not be necessary for most people as the new courses/exams will be coordinated and phased in together. People who need to do a re-sit between V2/V3 may be successful simply via additional self study.
ITIL v3有哪些级别的认证?
• 基础级别(Foundation Level)
• 中级(Intermediate Level)
该认证用于评估个人分析和应用ITIL概念的能力,区分ITIL服务生命周期模块(ITIL Service Lifecycle Modules)和ITIL服务能力模块(ITIL Service Capability Modules)两种路径。考生可以选择其中任何一种路径获取学分,通向ITIL专家级别(Expert Level)。
• ITIL专家(ITIL Expert)
要想成为IT服务管理的ITIL专家(ITIL Expert),除了基础级别(Foundation Level)的认证,你还必须成功完成大量中级认证课程。ITIL专家的课程集中服务管理生命周期方法的全部精要,同时巩固体系认证中获得的知识。
• ITIL大师(ITIL Master)
COBIT(Control Objectives for Information and related Technology)是由国际信息系统审计和控制协会(ISACA)公布的控制框架,目前已经更新至4.0版,主要目的是研究、发展、宣传权威的、最新的国际化的公认信息技术控制目标以供企业经理、IT专业人员和审计专业人员日常使用。这个框架共有34个IT的流程,分成四个领域:PO(Planning & Organization)、AI(Acquisition & Implementation)、DS(Delivery and Support)、和ME(Monitor and Evaluate)提供了最佳的施行指导。
COBIT 4.0 发展战略更集中在哪些方面?
IT治理 —— 基于五个方面的整合:由ITGI定义的战略整合、价值交付、风险管理、资源管理和绩效管理。
业务需求 ——以业务需求为原则,并且基于信息标准是COBIT的基本原则。
价值创造 ——由于COBIT的审计起源,COBIT很强调风险管理的控制。
企业结构 ——COBIT 提供了RACI图表(Responsible-负责执行任务的角色、 Accountable-对任务负全责的角色、Consulted-提供信息辅助执行任务的人员、Informed-拥有既定特权、应及时得到通知的人员)阐明每个IT流程的角色和职责。
流程定义及流程信息流 —— 为了改善对IT流程模型的理解。
语言与表述 ——COBIT 中使用了更加简练、符合时代发展及行为导向的语言。
i. 缺乏指导方针和过程规定
ii. 缺乏规划及绩效度量标准
iii. 不理想的系统设计和开发
iv. 缺乏足够的信息安全措施等棘手问题
v. 建立清晰的责任制度
vi. 实现企业战略与IT战略的互动
vii. 形成持续改进的良性循环机制。
COBIT基于已有的许多架构,如SEI(Software Engineering Institute)的能力成熟度模型CMM对软件企业成熟度5级的划分,以及1509000等标准,COBIT在总结这些标准的基础上重点关注企业需要什么,而不是企业需要如何做,它不包括具体的实施指南和具体实施步骤,它是一个控制架构(Control Framework)而非具体过程架构(Process Framework)。COBIT从战略、战术、运营层面给出了对IT的评测、量度和审计方法,它的“目标听众”是信息系统审计人员,企业高级管理人员以及高级IT管理人员,如CIO。
ITIL基于企业的最佳实践 (Best Practice),英国政府收集和分析各种组织解决服务管理问题方面的信息,找出那些对本部门和对英国政府其它部门有益的做法,最后形成了ITIL。它列出了各个服务管理流程“最佳”的目标、活动、输入和输出以及各个流程之间的关系,但没定义范围广泛的控制架构。它关注方法和实施过程。由于它关注IT服务管理(ITSM),它的视野相对COBIT来说狭窄,它主要关注IT的战术和运营层面。但它对IT服务的提供和支持定义了更为详细和更易理解的过程集。它的“目标听众”是IT人员和服务管理人员。
ISO 20000
ISO20000是基于ITIL最佳实践与BS15000英标体系进行构建的,并于2005年12月由ISO组织发布的第一部具有国际权威性的IT服务管理体系标准。此套体系规范秉承“以客户为中心,以流程为导向”的服务理念,旨在帮助企业组织能够有效的识别与管理IT服务管理的关键过程,保证在满足客户与业务需求的同时,依照公认的 “P-D-C-A”方法论应用,充分发挥IT服务持续改进的能力,最终达到企业组织用最小成本获得最大收益价值的目的。
对于中小企业来说,ITIL也许永远只是一个渴望而不可及的梦。在实施ITIL条件不成熟的情况下,ISO/IEC 20000也许是个很好的代替品。
ITIL与ISO20000之间的框架,还是有些差距的。整体来说,ITIL是10个管理流程,ISO20000/BS15000则是13个管理流程,其中新增的业务关系管理(Business Management)与供货商管理(Supplier Management),对于ITIL来说,这些已经同时包含在服务等级管理(Service Level Management)之中;另外,ISO20000新增的服务报告(Service Reporting),事实上也涵盖在ITIL的每个管理流程当中。
国内的大多数企业对ITIL和ISO 20000的理解,还停留在先要做ITIL,然后才能做ISO/IEC 20000。因为ITIL是最佳实践,有一步步精准的流程来控制。只要按照ITIL的步骤做下去,就不愁流程不标准。ISO/IEC 20000是一个关于IT服务管理体系的要求的标准,它帮助识别和管理IT服务的关键过程,保证提供有效的IT服务满足客户和业务的需求。这个标准基于ITIL的最佳实践基础,ISO/IEC 20000提出了服务文化,提供了满足业务需求的服务的方法论和管理方式的优先权。不仅如此,ISO/IEC 20000还定义了一系列相互关联的服务管理过程,识别了过程之间的关系,和这些过程关系在组织内的应用,提供了方针目标和服务管理的控制措施。
ISO/IEC 20000规定了5个关键的服务管理过程,服务提供过程包括服务级别管理、可用性管理和能力规划管理;关系过程包括服务提供者与客户和供应商之间的接口;解决过程关注需要解决和预防发生的事件和事故;控制过程包括变更管理,资产管理和配置管理;发布过程包括新的或更新的软件和硬件的发布。
通俗的说,ISO/IEC 20000追求的是效果,只控制关键过程。用户如果利用ISO/IEC 20000作为它的IT服务管理体系的基础,并通过BSI认证,可以表明它的IT服务管理体系满足了该标准的要求。
有没有通俗的说法来理解ITIL和ISO 20000的区别?
举一个例子,ITIL和ISO/IEC 20000就好比两种不同的父母管教孩子。一种父母是什么都要管的,管的很细,你穿什么衣服,用什么牙刷刷牙都要手把手的告诉你,比较关注过程。还有一种父母可能更多的关注孩子最终的结果,比如孩子的性格是不是活泼,是不是外向,而对过程不是很关注。前者就像是ITIL,后者就像ISO/IEC 20000。ISO/IEC 20000其中有一些关键点和控制点,而ITIL则是关注流程,会告诉你流程的大致走法。
需要先ITIL才能做ISO 20000吗?
不需要。很多用户误认为ITIL要把原来的流程做完以后才能做ISO/IEC 20000,现在ITIL v3也已经发布,是不是要把v3的20多条都做出来才可以做ISO/IEC 20000?事实上是不需要的。比如业务连续性管理,ITIL v2和v3里面都有准确的要求,如果把这个流程做完,管理成本是很高的。如果从ISO/IEC 20000的角度来做业务连续性,只需要知道目标是什么,发生灾难的时候多少时间能够恢复,一年做多少次的演练,通过演练证明你实现了预期的规划目标。只要抓到这两点就可以通过ISO/IEC 20000。
简单地说,ITIL告诉你要怎么做,在实施ITIL的过程中逐渐地提升自己的管理水平。ISO/IEC 20000是结果导向,关注的是效果。ISO/IEC 20000提供了一个完整的管理框架。很多用户不是没有流程,而是缺乏一个管理流程,对服务目标是什么不太明确。可能会在有些细节方面投入了过多的关注,对一些服务目标不高的流程(比如对员工的支持和生产的支持),不需要采用完全一样的标准来衡量。
谁有通过ISO 20000认证的经验?
前不久,IBM全球服务(中国)有限公司通过了ISO/IEC 20000认证,在通过ISO/IEC 20000的过程中,IBM自身也得到了一些收获,对整个ISO/IEC 20000的标准有了一个比较深刻理解。IBM全球信息科技服务部大中华区中间件服务产品线经理毕巍说,“我们原来比较担心,IBM这个百年老店有一些多年积累下来的管理措施,这些管理措施和最新推出的管理标准是不是可以完全的融合在一起。后来在实施的过程中发现其实基本上没有什么问题,用了4个月的时间就快速的通过了。”
比如变更管理,在实施的时候可能会涉及到的资产和配置。在ISO/IEC 20000下没有很明确的标明有哪些方面要关注,也没有告诉用户要关注整个资产管理。ITIL里面就有很多点会提醒用户哪些点位是一定要控制的,控制到位了就可以达到什么效果。所以这些控制点让IBM公司在其中迅速的把很多流程集成度的东西做了很好的提升,在4个月内就通过了认证。
中国企业有80%以上都是中小企业,对中小企业用户来说,在实施ITIL的过程中总觉得有点磕磕碰碰,不知道应该如何在ITIL的流程上做裁减。现在ISO/IEC 20000给他们提供了新的思路,把最重要的流程控制住就可以了。
ITIL对于中小企业来说,似乎还是复杂了一点,当用户的规模效应达不到的时候,如果照搬ITIL也会面临很大的问题和挑战。ISO/IEC 20000提供了非常清晰的目标导向的关注点,如果用户抓这些关注点可能并不需要完全遵照这么复杂的流程去做。
长起来的中小企业更多的还是应该关注能力。明确了ISO/IEC 20000里面的关注点,结合ITIL的流程管理,中小企业的IT服务管理之路,也许并不像看上去那么难。
要获得ISO20000:2005认证的组织,必须证明其对ISO20000-1的13个管理流程进行管理与控制,并保证这些受控流程必须符合ISO20000-1标准的规定。 当企业组织通过注册认证机构(RCB)的认证审计后,便可获得认证。取得认证后,企业组织会被列入官方的被认证组织列表,并且有权使用ISO20000的标志。
可以有效 衡量服务水平,评估绩效,减少运营风险,有助于运营管理的持续改进;
在IT服务管理认证领域内,比较有影响的 ISO20000认证机构包括如下:
ISO20000认证实施参考的资料包括《information Technology-Service management Part 1: Specification》与《information Technology-Service management Part 2: Code of Practice》两套体系规范,通过此两套文档有效的了解与掌握ISO20000认证考核纲领与参考指南。同时,翰纬还专门为企业组织编写了一套IT服务体系管理培训课件,在参加认证实施培训时,可与体系规范一同向客户进行发送。
RCB(Registered Certification Body)是指由ISO20000证书发放单位itSMF授权的组织,参照认证申请组织的内审及管理审核活动,代理itSMF单位向其企业组织发放证书的机构。
1997年的金融危机以及2002年美国安然、世通等公司的会计丑闻事件彻底打击了美国投资者对美国资本市场的信心。为了改变这一局面,美国国会和政府在2002年6月通过了萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(Sarbnes-Oxley Act,简称SOX法案)。SOX法案的另一个名称是《上市公司会计改革与投资者保护法案》,法案旨在通过提高公司信息披露的准确性和可靠性来保护投资者的利益。
COSO全称为“发起机构委员会”(Committee of Sponsoring Organizations)。它是一个自愿性质的私营机构,致力于通过商业伦理、有效的内部控制和公司治理来提高财务报告的质量。COSO最早成立于1985年,是美国“反对虚假财务报告委员会”(National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting,一项独立私营机构举措,人们通常称其为Treadway委员会)的发起组织。Treadway委员会研究导致虚假财务报告产生的原因,为上市公司及其独立审计师、美国证券交易委员会(SEC)及其他行业监管者,以及教育机构提供建议。1992年COSO委员会经过多年研究,针对公司行政总裁、其他高级执行官、董事、立法部门和监管部门的内部控制,进行了高度概括,发布了著名的《内部控制——整体框架》(Internal Control-Integrated Framework)报告,即国际通称的COSO报告。该报告自1997年1月起取代了美国《审计准则公告第55号》。COSO报告中对内部控制的定义是目前关于内部控制较具权威的概念,它指出“内部控制是由董事会、经理当局以及其他员工为达到财务报告的可靠性、经营活动的效率和效果、相关法律法规的遵循等三个目标而提供合理保证的过程”。
内部控制的理论与实践经历了一个漫长的发展过程,大致可以分为三个阶段:萌芽期,即内部控制的雏形内部牵制发展期,内部会计控制与内部管理控制成熟期,内部控制结构和内部控制整体框架。美国COSO报告是内部控制理论成熟期最具代表性的研究成果,该报告开创性地提出了内部控制整体框架(Internal Control Integrated Framework,ICIF)。
第一维度是控制目标。内部控制的设计旨在合理保证实现以下目标:机构运作的有效性和效率(包括资产的合理配置与保护)、财务报告等的可靠性以及符合相应的法律法规等;在第二维度中COSO要求机构将关注力重点锁定在两个层次:部门单位层(entity level)与行动层或操作环节(activities level)。机构最终在这两个层次上对其内部控制进行总体评估。
第三维度则包括了内部控制的五大要素:第一,控制环境(Control environment),它决定机构的基调并影响着员工的管理与控制意识,是其他四大内部控制构件的基础,提供纪律与框架。具体包括组织人员的诚实、伦理价值和能力;管理层哲学和经营模式;管理层分配权限和责任、组织、发展员工的方式;董事会提供的关注和方向。第二,风险评估(risk assessment),是识别各个部门单位,确认和分析实现组织目标过程中的有关风险,为决定如何管理风险提供基础和依据。它随经济、行业、监管和运作条件而不断变化,需建立一套机制来辨认和处理相应的风险。第三,控制活动(control activities),是帮助执行管理指令得到的一些政策与程序。它贯穿于整个组织、各个层次和各项功能,包括各种活动如批准、授权、证实、调整、绩效评价、资产保护和职责分离等。第四,信息与沟通(information and communication)。信息系统产生各种报告,包括业务运作、财务、遵守规章制度等方面,使得对组织的控制成为可能。处理的信息包括内部生成的数据,也包括可用于决策的外部事件、活动、状况等信息和外部报告。良好的信息与沟通应确保所有人员都要理解自己在控制系统中所处的位置,以及相互之间的关系;必须认真对待控制赋予自己的职责,同时也必须同外部进行有效的沟通。第五,监控(monitoring)。监控在机构运作过程中进行,通过对正常的管理和控制活动以及员工执行职责过程中的活动进行监控,来评价系统运作的质量。不同评价的范围和步骤取决于风险的评估和执行中的监控程序的有效性。对于内部控制的缺陷要及时向上级报告,严重的问题要报告到管理层高层和董事会。
启示二:强化全面风险管理理念,有效识别与评估各类风险。COSO报告指出,所有的机构,不论其规模、结构、性质或产业是什么,其组织的不同层级都可能遭遇风险,风险管理对机构的生存与发展至关重要,管理层须密切关注各类风险,并采取必要的管理措施。2004年COSO委员会对原报告进行了发展与完善,在COSO新报告中制定了清晰的风险管理流程,发展了具体风险界定和风险评估的步骤和内容:第一,商业风险模型BRM(Business Risk Model),该模型将风险分类为环境外部风险、流程风险和信息决策风险三类;第二,商业风险模型的流程BRMP(Business Risk Model Process)和风险界定(Risk Map)。这两个模型描述了管理层对风险评估的步骤和体系;第三,评估风险所需的一些技巧,用数量方法或非数量的定性方法对风险进行排序(Quantitative and qualitative method)。我国中央银行处于金融的核心地位,其面临的风险是不同于一般企业或机构,它所面临的风险大致有操作风险、信息技术风险、资产风险、法律风险、效率风险和声誉风险等,其中有些风险会降低央行履行职责的效率,但有些风险会直接影响央行在社会经济中的权威性和国际形象。因此,在面临风险影响因素多元化和复杂化的情况下,中央银行内部控制应将对风险的管理扩展到发展战略的层面,树立全面风险管理理念,并对风险进行有效识别与评估。控制与风险的概念紧密相连,尽管我国中央银行所面临的具体风险、内部控制目标和应关注的重点与一般金融机构和其他行业有所不同,但从管理与控制学角度看,中央银行同其他组织一样,应将风险管理和内部控制作为内部管理的核心问题。中央银行所面临的风险有的会降低央行履行职责的效率,有些会直接影响央行在社会经济中的权威性和国际形象。在面临风险影响因素多元化和复杂化的情况下,中央银行内部控制应将对风险的管理扩展到发展战略层面,树立全面风险管理理念,建立起全方位、多层次的风险管理机制,对风险进行有效识别与评估,是提高央行内部控制效率和效果的关键,对此,中央银行可结合自身机构特点建立相关风险识别与评估体系,实施以风险为导向的监督管理体系:第一,根据一定标准对中央银行风险进行分类,各分支机构可结合实际对每类风险再进行细分;第二,管理层(或风险管理机构)设计风险识别与评估的流程,可以大致如下:首先设定目标(分不同层次与部门)根据目标评估风险设立风险二维图示,横轴为风险重要性,纵轴为风险的可能性在二维图中对总风险进行分析评估根据分析结果设计风险管理流程和控制防范措施监督风险管理流程和控制措施的执行情况对仍然存在的风险进行跟进并制定改善方法;第三,用定量与定性结合的方法,对风险进行评测后排序,确定风险的不同级别,制定全面风险管理方案,如风险可接受(较低级别的风险),定期进行监测,如风险不可接受(较高级别的风险),制定防范措施,明确责任人,并建立应急机制,同时要加大对其监测的频率和监督力度。
CMMI的全称是Capability Maturity Model Integrated,即软件能力成熟度模型集成,是由美国国防部与Camegie Mellon University的SEI和美国国防工业协会共同开发和研制的新一代成熟度模型。SEI在2000年8月颁布了CMMI-SEI SW 1.0版本,2001年12月颁布了CMMI1.1版本,这次发布标志着CMMI的正式启用。CMMI产品包括:SW-CMM(软件能力成熟度模型)、SE-CMM(系统工程能力成熟度模型)、SA-CMM(软件获取能力成熟度模型)、IPD-CMM(集成产品开发能力成熟度模型)、P-CMM(人力资源成熟度模型)、IPPD-CMM(集成产品和过程开发能力成熟度模型)。这些模型各自面向不同的领域,具有不同的用途。由于是在同一个模型的基础上发展起来的,所以它们在过程域等方面有一定的重叠。
就内容来讲,IS09001不覆盖CMMI,也不完全覆盖IS09000。一般而言,通过ISO9001认证的企业可达到CMMI 2级或略高的程度,通过CMMI 3级的企业只要稍做补充,就可较容易地通过ISO9001认证。粗略地说,ISO9001近似于CMMI 2.5级。
TOGAF即开放组体系结构框架,是一个行业标准的体系架构框架,它能被任何希望开发一个信息系统体系架构在组织内部使用的组织自由使用。TOGAF 企业版v8 是为开发企业架构的一个详细的方法和相关支持资源的集合。
有4 种被接受为企业架构的子集的架构,TOGAF 都支持:
企业架构是什么?Zachman、TOGAF、DoD AF有啥区别?
Prince2为包括IT项目在内的项目管理提供了通用的管理方法,内置了在项目管理实践中己证明成功的最佳实践 (best practice),通过为所有参与者提供的通用语言,便于被广泛理解和接受。PRINCE鼓励对项目责任正式的确认(谁具体负责什么),强调项目交付什么(what)、为何交付(why)、交付时间(when)、为谁交付(whom)。PRINCE能带给项目:
• 可控的组织良好的开端、过程、结尾
• 在决策关键点 (decision point) 时重新审视项目计划和业务状况
• 自动管理和控制对计划的任何偏离
• 股东和高级管理者只是在恰当的时机介入项目
• 在项目组、项目管理层、组织的其他人员间搭建畅通的交流通道
COBIT从战略、战术、技术等层面给出了如何有效管理IT项目。在P010中专门给出了项目管理的方法论,详细定义了13个具体控制目标:项目管理架构;用户方参与项目启动;项目团队身份及其职责;项目定义;项目批准;项目阶段批准;项目主要计划;系统质量保证计划;保证方法计划;正式的项目风险管理;测试计划;培训计划;实施后的评审计划。除给出项目管理具体控制目标外,COBIT还给出了与项目管理相关的关键成功要素(Critical Success Factors),其定义了最重要的面向项目管理的实施指南,以达到对IT项目过程内外部的控制;关键目标指标(Key Goal Indicators),定义了一些尺度,便于在项目关键点(或里程碑),告诉管理者某个IT项目管理过程是否实现了其
业务需求;关键性能指标(Key Performance Indicators),定义的是IT项目管理过程在促使项目目标达成时履行得有多好的尺度。
从两者的比较我们可以看出,COBIT重点在于对13个“控制目标”的管理上,PRINCE2典型的在于对8大“流程”的管理上。虽然二者从不同的角度出发认识IT项目管理,但二者有许多共同之处。COBIT的项目中主要计划,系统质量保证计划,保证方法计划,测试计划,培训计划,实施后的评审计划等控制目标映射到PRINCE2的计划(PL)流程;项目管理架构等映射到PRINCE2的指导项目Directing a Project (DP) 流程;PRINCE2的开始项目Starting up a Project (SU)和启动项目Initiating a Project (IP) 流程对应着COBIT的用户方参与项目启动,项目团队身份及其职责,项目定义;项目批准,项目阶段批准,正式的项目风险管理则较好的被其它几个PRINCE2流程所包含。当然,在COBIT管理指南中我们不能明确看出对PRINCE2中结束项目Closing a Project (CP) 流程相关的控制目标,但COBIT的其他控制目标以及审计指南等隐含包括了该流程的控制。
当然PRINCE2和COBIT的视野并不仅仅限于对具体项目的管理。它们不仅包括项目级的管理,而且涵盖了在组织范围对项目的管理,目的在于企业级的项目管理(Enterprise Project Management,EPM)或者称为项目治理(Project Governance)。从企业长期发展战略的高度来规划项目管理。
• COBIT重点在于IT控制和IT度量
• ITIL重点在于IT过程管理,强调IT支持和IT交付
• ISO/IEC17799重点在于IT安全控制
• PRINCE2重点在于项目管理,强调项目的可控性,明确项目管理中人员、角色的具体职责,同时实现项目管理质量的不断改进。
1. What is ITIL?
ITIL (®), is a series of documents that are used to aid the implementation of a framework for IT Service Management, or quoting the OGC: "a consistent and comprehensive documentation of best practice for IT Service Management".
2. Who created it?
The 'IT Infrastructure Library' was originally created by the United Kingdom Government, but is now used throughout the world.
3. What are the ITIL volumes?
ITIL currently comprises five volumes: Service Strategy; Service Design; Service Transition; Service Operation; and Continual Service Improvement. This is a significant change from the previous release.
4. What is the OGC?
The OGC stands for the 'Office of Government Commerce'. This is the part of the UK Government which owns ITIL., and is an "independent Office of the Treasury reporting to the Chief Secretary".
5. What is the ITIL Toolkit?
This is the main support resource for ITIL. See top right panel for a more complete description.
6. What is the ITIL Foundation Exam and Foundation Certification Scheme?
This is an independent exam leading to the Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management. This is one of three current certificates, the others being: the Practitioner's Certificate in IT Service Management and the Manager's Certificate in IT Service Management.
7. What is the 'ITIL Open Guide'?
This is an 'open source' public project intended to document ITIL basics and all aspects of implementation. It is being developed on the itlibrary.org website.
8. Is there a Register of Certifications?
Not an official one, no. However, a register is being maintained as part of the open guide, via the following URL: certification-register.org
9. Change Management on ITIL: Working for Changes within the Organization
A lot of Change Management procedures have been adapted over the years .The goal of Change Management is to make certain that systematic producers and methods are being used to efficiently handle changes. Minizing the impact of change-related incidents and improving the day-to-day operations with the organization .Minimal disruption of services, economic utilization involved in the change and reduction in back-out activities are the main aims of Change Management.
The key activities to support the main aims of Change Management are the following:
• Accept changes
• Prioritize and classify changes
• Coordinate change impact assessment
• Coordinate approval of changes
• Coordinate scheduling changes
• Coordinate implementation of changes
• Conduct post implementation reviews;and
• Provide management information about Change Management quality and operations.
10. The Role of Change Management Ticketing in ITIL
Change management is a process deliberately carried out by organizations so that they will succeed in making immense changes. When the organization is able to manage changes in a positive manner, this makes positive waves within the organization that will help it reach its objectives. The ability of the organization to handle the planned changes will affect every employee.
Implementation of the change management methods can be very disruptive to the daily activities of the organization. Discipline is required for standard operating procedures and methods to be applied well, which inturn assures prompt and well-organized handling of requests for change (commonly called RFCs).Discipline can reduce the impact of all change-related incidents as far as quality delivery of service is concerned.
Problems incurred within management of change:
Downtime can be the result, When a service provided by IT personnel is affected by change management. This causes a big problem, yet changes are often necessary so that the business can improve on and perhaps increase the number of services that it provides. These processes are usually needed because future changes have to be controlled; particularrly those changes that are newly introduced to the IT environment-to minimize disturbance to the service functions and capabilities.
When change management is being instituted, there is a remarkable focus on the accomplishment of system per-recording and tracking of RFCs. These are accomplished with the use of a simple web-base database, or help desk ticketing application. The challenges start with the identification of unmanaged and high-risk changes that are to be conveyed under the control of the CAB (Change Advisory Board.)This technology is needed to ensure that the change management procedure is not circumvented and will give the administrators the exact level of access to accomplish theory given work. At the same time, limits are imposing for regulating internal policies.
11. Configuration Management Database (CMDB) ITIL’s Standardized Database Scheme
The CMDB stemmed from Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), and it's a repository of information connected to all the components of an information system. Its framework has always been an indispensable part of ITIL Configuration Management best practices. CMDB is a standardized database scheme intends to be use in support of an ITIL resource management project.
ITIL has a number of goals for Configuration Management, Consist essentially of these:
a) Identification: specifies a llIT assets and configurations within the organization and their inclusion in the CMDB
b) Control: provide accurate information on each configuration items I, specifying who is authorized to change it.
c) Status: records the status of all configuration items in the CMDB.
d) Verification: involves reviews and audits to ensure that the information contained in the CMDB is accurtec, and correct of any exceptions, if necessary.
12. The Step Involved in Using CMMI ITIL
Capability Maturity Model Integration is a process of improvement used by organizations, which encompasses, which encompasses elements that are essential and effective to organizational functions.
Getting started with CMMI
The first step involves securing appropriate sponsorship and founding. Before our even try out a process improvement effort, try to ensure that you have enough funds to sponsor the program management initiative. Sponsoring and founding are critical to ensure its success.
Second, you must understand the basic concepts of CMMI process. Attend to its introductory
Courses, and also pursue training, if doable.
Next, take steps to prepare your organization for the changes. Treating process improvement as a company project will help the changes proceed smoothly.
Try to establish the business goals and objectives to heighten efforts at improvement. Discuss perceived effects, benefits and costs with the people concerned, to allow for a persuasive presentation of the opportunities and problems that may arise.
From an engineering process group that will coordinate the sequence of activities within the enterprise. Members for others throughout the improvement process.
The fifth step involves knowing your stand; mapping CMMI for analysis to determine the process of your organization; and comparing it with CMMI model as part of the appraisal method. Gather data from managers, project leaders, and workers by surveying. This results in identification of the opportunities and elimination of the barriers to changes.
Communicate and coordinate with everyone. Be honest and be open when communicating by listening to the comments and suggestions of others.
13. A short Description of ITIL history-The Best way to Define ITIL
Because of the rapidly growing dependency of many business firms to Information Technology, CCTA has sought the essence of developing a set of standards for achieving quality service, and at the same time, overcoming difficulties linked to the growth of IT systems. Hence, ITIL was introduced to the world, and has become the de facto standard in IT service management.
Now currently maintained and developed by the Office of Government Commerce, ITIL has been adopted and adapted by almost every type of IT environment. ITIL is a set of best practices and guidelines that define a systematic and specialized approach to the management of IT service provision. These guiding principles are intended to promote value of IT operations by delivering high quality services.
Implementing this extensive set of management procedures will lead to benefits such as :
a) Get more out of existing resources, resulting in reduced costs
b) Improved customers satisfaction through a more proficient approach to IT service delivery;
c) Improved productivity by eliminating redundant work
d) Improved service quality though the use of established best practice processes
e) Improved use of skill and experience, defining a consistent level of service
14. How to Employ ITIL Principles to Improve Your IT Organization
First take a look at the benefits of ITIL. With this, you can save on your operational costs, and save a lot of time and effort in improving the business processes implemented within your organization, other benefit is that the time–tested processes used in ITIL will definitely boost the quality of the IT service, the higher the customers satisfaction rate is.
Within the walls of the company itself, you will see increased productivity, and you can also maximize your manpower. More importantly, the standards used in the implementation of ITIL business processes will put your business up to par with the rest of the word. With all these benefits and more, there is absolutely no reason for you to not use ITIL to enhance the IT service that you offer to your clients. Which, at the end of the day, will also improve you day-to-day operations?
15. Discover the New ITIL Version 3
The growing demand on the use of ITIL led to the upgrade from ITIL version2 to ITIL version 3.Version 1 was focused on the processes, particularly on the operational processes. The version 3 upgrade was set to focus on service management practice guidance. As a minor side note, one of the upgrades 3 was that “The IT Infrastructure Library” was change to “ITIL Service Management Practices”. The name change implied the ITIL’s evolution to a broader scope; a holistic approach in the sisal of IT service management, one that is value-based and business focused. The ITIL version 3 consists of a set of core texts supported with complementary and web-based materials. While ITIL version 2 volumes where available only in English, version 3 was mand available in other languages.
ITIL v3 core volumes include service strategy, service design, service transition, operation services, and continual service improvement. The word “continual “was used for the ITIL version 3 instead of the word “continuously” as used in version 3.The word continual was believed to be better suited to define activates int pended to function without pause, as the goal of service management is “availability.”
Other extras from ITIL version 3 include:
An extra volume, considered a core volume, titled” The Official Introduction to the ITIL Service Lifecycle” by Sharon Taylor, Chief Architect for ITILV3(ISBN-10:0113310617).
A complimentary material that shows the major changes in the way business procures and utilizes their IT services, it includes process maps and governance mapping and other frameworks (e.g. OBIT) and methodologies (e.g. Six Sigma).
ITIL v3 web-based material tends to support more recent updates, and allow wider breadth of coverage of ITIL guidance through case studies.
16. Capacity Management
Capacity Management activates include the following:
• Monitoring and modeling to simulate the performance of IT services and its supporting components, and understand future resource needs.
• Analyzing, turning, and implementing necessary activities to make efficient uses and changes in resource utilization.
• Management and understanding the current demands for computing resources and deriving forecasts for future requirements, which involves an understanding of business priorities.
• Application sizing to ensure required service levels can be met
• Building the yearly infrastructure growth plan with input from other team members.
• Storing capacity management data while predicting the IT resources needed to achieve agree service levels.
• Producing a capacity plan that documents current utilization and forecasted requirements, as well as support costs for new applications of releases.
17. ITIL CMM and Six Sigma: Three for the company
ITIL CMM and Six Sigma may have overlapping concepts and processes, they actually all work together to provide a better quality of service. They all have their strengths and limitations, so a combination of them may be availed from organization. ITIL, CMM and Six Sigma combined can be beneficial to the organization because they Work and in hand in addressing the limitations of the one another.
ITIL was first started in the UK Office of Government Commerce to provide IT service management best practices. This is a detailed and IT-focused training where operational issues are greatly analyzed and addressed, and future needs of the IT business are always taken into consideration.
Since ITIL is mainly operational in nature (how-to), this is its main limitation, and this is where the strength of CMM comes in.CMM was developed by the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute .Now called the CMMI, it focuses mainly on what the company needs to do in order to change its status from a state of no-order to a precision-based, error-free IT organization.
Six Sigma was developed by Motorola Inc., as a means of measuring service from a customer’s perspective. Its main objective is to create a service or product that is free from defects the first time it is released. By doing this, companies eliminate the problems faced by most other companies where defects are seen after the problems faced by most other companies where defects are seen after the release of product or service. Since it was developed by Motorola, the design of Six Sigma was for the manufacturing industry and there are limitations when it comes to IT software development
18. The Importance of ITIL Process Map and what it can do to Your Business
Benefits of ITIL process map are:
By using can easy to navigate and graphical structure, this can assist in the awareness of the complex procedures.
The variety of processes and performing complimentary projects gives appropriate guidance on how to arrange implementation projects.
You can save energy and effort in the processes of documentation and designing while you are adapting current process models and document outlines, this is much better than starting from scratch.
There are the steps in Process Mapping that consists of following:
a) Identification of process: This is to reach a full understanding of procedures and process.
b) Gathering information: It is vital in process mapping that you recognize the objectives, key controls and other risks that may take place.
c) Mapping and interviewing: it is important that you understand the ideas in design and processing the maps.
d) Analysis: This will help you develop tools and methods to create the process in an efficient and effective manner.ITIL Process Map is an efficient tool in improving your IT process. It is also significant that you find ways to improve develop and upgrade your system to effectively manage your IT service for your clients.
19. Reason Why You Need ITIL Capacity Management
ITIL Capacity Management is actually just one of the five elements of the ITIL Service Delivery area. It is responsible for guaranteeing the business requirements, and service definitions are accomplished by utilizing the best amount of computing resources.
Capacity Management consists of a number of activities. They are:
• The process includes observing, modifying, evaluating and implementing necessary changes in resource consumption.
• It is imperative to manage the requests for computing resources, that requires knowledge, and understanding the priorities of your business.
• To encourage infrastructure performance and know upcoming resource requirements, modeling is an important process in capacity management.
• This process includes collecting capacity management data.
• To guarantee that the service levels are accomplished, sizing applications are included in capacity management.
• Procedures such as creating a capacity plan that records present consumption, support cost for latest application and anticipated requirements are to be done in capacity management.
• Brainstorming new ideas with other teams in creating an infrastructure development plan is one of the essential activities in ITIL capacity management.
20. The ITIL Certification Course
Getting ITIL certification has now become a worldwide standard for all IT service management. The basic concepts and principles established by the UK office of Government Commerce have not changed, and will still cover service strategy, service design, service transition, service operation and continual service improvement. It will also include service support and service delivery.
Today, ITIL course come in ITIL v2 and ITIL v3, but individuals and corporations wishing to get a complete ITIL certification still have to finish three subjects: Foundation, Practitioner and Manager. All ITIL Certification courses will begin with the basic foundation of ITIL Definitions, terminologies, its history and basic principles will thoroughly be discussed, along with the service support and service delivery. At the end of this course, participants are expected to take the ITIL Foundation Certification exam.
Upon completion of and passing the ITIL Foundation Certification, the Practitioner’s Certificate is the next step. An ITIL Change, Configuration and release Management exam, and an ITIL Service Desk, Incident and Problem Management exam will be given in order for the student to get the ITIL Certification for Practitioner.
Experienced professionals, who have mastered the ITIL service management functions, can take the ITIL Certification for Managers or ITIL Manager’s Certificate.
ITIL v3 library is the latest addition to ITIL. Published in June 2007, it encompasses the most adopted worldwide standard for best practices in IT management. And ITIL Certification for V3 is also given to individuals who have finished the courses for V2.
21. What is ITIL Change Management?
Change Management Workflow
The ITIL compliant management system maintains a wide range of intricate workflow selections, as following:
• Recursive: this is an effect on the rejection in a workflow .A part of what workflow is relocated and opened.
• Concurrent multi tasking: this is a sequence of tasks that can happen all at the same time in a workflow.
• Automatic closure of used paths: this process of approval has several paths, and the system will be able to close any unused paths.
• Dependencies: the process of tasks and approvals which are reliant on other tasks. And there are approvals that are completed in advance, by simply having uncomplicated linear workflow. There are a great number of problems that threatens IT services; one being it is a badly executed changed. Instead of trying focus of the incident management, some people try to deal with the problem after the damage is done. And most of the IT businesses today seek change management to avoid the occurrence of these problems. If you don’t enhance and improve your Change Management strategies, your company will be prone to continuous firefighting.
22. Understanding ITIL Concepts and Terminology
The following are some of the concepts and terminologies that ITIL provides:
• Service Level Management: Service Management: the process of ensuring that the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between the company and customer are documented. It is at this level that the actual supplied service is monitored and delivered in conformance with SLAs.
• Financial Management for IT Service: the process where the company identifies the clear objective of the ITIL, which are the costs –effective ownership and handling of IT resources so as to provide IT services. The financial Management process tends to decrease or reduce to overall long-term costs and actual costs of services provided.
• Incident Management :the process of protecting service continuity. It seeks to restore quickly normal service operation with minimal impact to business operations.
• Problem Management the process of recording to the Configuration Management Database incidents that might give rise to a known or unknown problem.
• Configuration Management : the process of maintaining and controlling all versions of IT Configuration. It provides accurate information that will support the service management process. The functions of staff, documentation, organization charts, the Definitive Software Library (DSL) and Definitive Hardware Library (DHL) for any released products are stored in the CMDB.
23. General Tips in Taking an ITIL Exam
Individuals and organizations that have ITIL Certifications will surely have an edge when it comes to best practice approaches in IT operations. But in order to get an ITIL Certification, you still need to take an ITIL foundation, practitioner and service manager exam.
Getting certified in all three components of ITIL is no easy matter. So you should choose a school with a good reputation and passing statistics on ITIL exams. In getting your exams , a few practical tips should be followed.
First, get your terminologies right! Your ITIL exam, especially the foundation certificate, will contain numerous terminologies of the subject .Use them frequently and use them correctly.
Some questions will definitely require you to write an essay about ITIL. So read the questions carefully twice to make sure that you understand them. Then answer them clearly, completely, concisely and directly. Do not babble on and on about ITIL subjects that are not even relevant to the questions. Remember that examiners mark you on your correct answers and not on how long your essays are.
Since all topics, processes, methods and techniques will be covered in ITIL exam, make sure that’s you have reviewed the following: benefit, advantages, limitations, disadvantages, terminologies, history and application.
As a general rule, in any exam that you take, do not linger on a particular question longer than a couple of minutes. If you think that particular ITIL question is difficult to answer, skip it and come back to it later .Your target is to answer confidently (not necessary correctly ) at least 75% of the ITIL exam.
24. ITIL Fault Three Analysis: Determining the Root Cause of Failures
To have more detailed flow in coming up with an FTA, six simple steps on how to design it were cited by Hank Marquis. All you need is a pencil, a piece of paper and a working knowledge of service. There are the steps:
1. Try to be more specific in coming up with a top-level event for your analysis. Some example includes potential or known error messages and possible scenarios that can be thought of, based on the Service Level Agreement or SLA.
2. Write down all the faults under the top level event in boxes and connect the fault boxes to the top level event box by drawing lines.
3. For each fault, list as many causes as possible.
4. Draw a diagram and use the AND and/or OR logic operators.
5. Continue indentifying the causes of the problem until the root cause is identified.
6. Consider coming up with countermeasures to find ways on how to resolve such issues and learn from them.
25. Reasons Why You Should Take ITIL Foundation Course
ITIL Foundation is the first step of any individual or organization wishing to get an ITIL certification for IT service management. The ITIL Foundation covers all the basic information and terminologies used in ITIL, including its history, growth. Improvements and coverage
The ITIL Foundation covers five core sets of IT service management concepts which include the Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual service Management. Basically focusing on service support and service delivery, ITIL foundation also covers ITIL v3. It is the latest addition to the IT service management library. It covers the most adopted principles and concepts to IT and includes the ITIL service Lifecycle concepts to IT service Management.
26. ITIL Foundation: The first step to ITIL Success
The ITIL Foundation is ideal for all IT manager and staff engaged in the development of service and support of their IT infrastructure. This is the beginner’s level, which will give an overview to the participants, and allow them to become familiar with all best practices in ITIL. The ITIL Foundation is also ideal for people who are not directly involved in the implementation of the best practices, but are required to understand ITIL concepts and terminologies in order for them to evaluate properly IT service management.
Getting an understanding of the ITIL Foundation will enable the business to clearly classify roles and responsibilities of its IT managers and staff, resulting in a more efficient and effective organization. Since the adopted IT processes and procedures are standardized ,understood, streamlined and well arranged; service delivery will be improved and business can focus on more consistent and reliable partnerships with its customers and users.
There are now several institutions offering ITIL Foundation trainings, seminars and workshops both online and in-house. They will give you case studies, sample exam questions, reviews and different activities in order to prepare you for ITIL Foundation certification.
27. ITIL Framework: The Backbone of ITIL Functions and Processes
ITIL v2 consists of seven modules that constitute the core of ITIL, with the task of determining how IT can best serve the needs of the business. These are the following:
• Service Delivery: covers the processes required for the development, and planning of quality IT services and improvement of service delivered looking forward.
• Service Support: focuses on the processes associated with the day-to-day support and maintenance activities that include ensuring all users of the ICT services have access to the appropriate tools to support the business functions.
• ICT Infrastructure Management: involves processes within ITIL that are linked to ICT equipment and software
• Planning to Implement Service Management: examines the issues and tasks involved in planning, implementing and improving Service sManagement processes within the organization .
• Application Management: describes how to manage applications through the life-cycle of software development projets.
• The Business Perspective: a collection of best practices and guidance to help IT personnel understand their contribution to the business objectives,
• Security Management: details the process of planning and managing a defined level of security to guarantee the saflety of information.
28. ITIL Help Desk: How ITIL Can help Improve Your Help Desk Services
ITIL builds a framework to enhance and improve the quality of services. It also helps you recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s help desk. In identifying the weakness, the company can now develop guides to find solutions to them and overcome technical problems. The ITIL stresses best business practices and other administration strategies to improve the organization’s help desk. It also gives a broad and consistent set of principles to manage IT services appropriately. It creates a setting that produces premium quality service. The ITIL concentrates on the processes, IT issues, business practices and its people.
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library has eight instruction manuals that talk about various characteristics of service management in the help desk. It is very important that guidelines are met. Technology upgrades every day and if you help desk system does not have room to implement these improvements and upgrades, then having service management problem are to be expected.
29. ITIL in Action: Service Delivery
ITIL Service Delivery is a proactive approach to the business requirements of users through the proper analysis of existing infrastructure in order to predict future needs. It involves five sub processes as follows:
• Service Level Management. It will continually align the IT services with the requirements of the business, with the goal of creating and delivering a clear method of services expected versus actually services delivered.
• Capacity Management. This involves appropriately determing existing business IT infrastructure, and predicting future needs in order to avoid bottlenecks that may hinder business development.
• Financial Management for IT Service. This is define the cost of availing the current and future service needs of the organization and ensure that expenditures are with the planned budget.
• Availability Management. This assures that IT services are always online and ready when they are needs by users and customers.
• IT Service Continuity Management. This is also known as Continuity Management, and it will provide a framework for recovering from IT disruptions caused by human or natural disasters.
30. ITIL Incident Management Course: Minimizing the Adverse Effects of Incidents
Incident Management should be used to make sure that the best application of resource to support the business is in place. At the same time, it should develop and maintain meaningful records relating to certain incidents, while devising a countermeasure and applying a consistent approach to all incidents reported. Overall, Incident Management is responsible for following:
a) Classification of all incidents that occurred.
b) Incident detection and recording.
c) Initial support, investigation and analysis.
d) Resolution and recovery.
e) Incident ownership and monitoring.
31. Benefits of Incident Management Tool
Activities involve in handling Incident management are as follows:
• To be able to detect and record incident in detail
• To be able to match incidents versus known problems
• To be able to resolve incidents as soon as possible.
• To be able to prioritize incidents with respect to impact and need.
• To be able to bring to the attention to other teams the incident for appropriate timely resolution.
Software is made available as a tool for handling incident management problems. The following are some of benefits that the software provides:
• It allows management to gather information as to the real time and historical data of what transpired. al
• It allows identification as to bottlenecks in terms of performance.
• It speeds up the restoration of operation as cause of incidents can be clearly identified.
• It minimized the recurrence of incidents by incidents by informing IT users of the impact that the incident has caused to the system.
32. The Proven Tips to Pass the ITIL Input/ Output Manager’s Exam
Here are some suggestions that one may consider:
• Treat the proctor as your client and provide logical answers as if you are in front of the client.
• Show that you are a consistent solution provider by revisiting some of the best practices you have followed with you years of experience as a manager.
• Make every question count. Answer each question in such a way that the proctor will have pleasure reading it.
• Review your answers for each question and re-read them . Skip difficult ones, and go over them when you’re done with the easy ones.
33. ITIL jobs: What Employees and Jobseekers Should Know
Here are some criteria that companies want:
• Since most of the time the jobs require dealing with people and customers in the service industry, the jobs in ITIL require having good interpersonal and communication skills.
• Of course, it is very important to have knowledge of ITIL.
• The jobs also require having staff management and leadership skills to handle the staff/ team properly.
• Knowledge in financial management, and executing the service management discipline is a must for all who aim to have a career in ITIL.
• Knowledge on the most recent technology in IT in line with the discipline is vital. Maintaining the interfaces and sustaining the effectiveness of the procedure is also crucial in this line of work.
34. What is the meaning of “ITIL Methodology”?
ITIL is basically a compilation of the best practice that are intended to improve and uphold a particular level of quality computing services in IT. This process consists of skill requirements and organizational structure for the IT organization through a very broad procedure. In ITL V2, there are seven
books, and each is set up for different kinds of disciplines:
• Service Delivery: it discusses the processes necessary in planning and developing high quality IT services.
• Service Support: this explains the different processes that are associated with the everyday maintenance and support that is needed in IT services.
• Implement Service Management: This analyzes the issues and tasks that include planning, improving the service management and applying service management.
• Security Management: this is a detailed process in planning and supervising security level in IT services.
• Information and Communications Technology(ICT) Infrastructure Management: this deals with the identification of business needs and other procurement procedures.
• The Business Perspective: this gives help and guidance to IT staff to know how they can play a role in contributing to business objectives.
• Application Management: this explains the management of applications to the initial business requirement(s).
35. ITIL Capacity Management‘s Three Main Area of Responsibility
These are the following:
• Business Capacity Management(BCM): ensure that careful planning and implementation of future business requirements for IT services are delivered in a timely fashion.
• Service Capacity Management (SCM): focuses on monitoring the performance of IT services provided to consumers; and
• Resource Capacity Management (RCM) :focuses in the management of IT infrastructure ,while making sure that all finite resources are being measured and monitored.
36. ITIL Results
Proven Results:
(IDC study of companies who implemented ITIL solutions)
>50% decrease in system & network downtime
>30% improvement in IT staff productivity
>25% improvement in bringing new services online
37. CSIP: ITIL Planning To Implement Service Management
ITIL planning to implement service management falls under the service management process of ITIL. It is primarily concerned with providing businesses guidelines on how to align the current business IT infrastructure with future business IT needs and requirements .The ITIL planning to implement service management will develop guidelines for the Continuous Service Implement Program(CSIP), which will include creating a vision, analysis of the organization, setting of goals, implementation of IT service management and measuring and evaluating progress through the use of Key Performance Indicators(KIP).
If organizations are embarking on an ITIL planning to implement service management, it should be understood that they have fully adopted the ITIL framework of best practice approaches, and have a clear understanding of the service management concepts.
Basic questions need to be answered in planning to implement service management is to determine the current IT infrastructure; analyze where it is now, and where it wants to be in the future. This will determine the service management and stakeholders’ maturity. By carefully mapping out and analyzing the current IT organization, the current IT organization, and the company can then set goals in achieving its future requirements, and fully define where they want to be with regards to future roles based on current assessment.
Once the management has created a vision analyzed it and set goals, it is then time to implement the IT service management. It should be clear, empowering, well communicated and with a clear sense of accountability. This way, your ITIL planning to implement service management can have measurable goals that can be evaluated.
The ITIL planning to service management is just one of the many ITIL processes. All business should have a program for continuous improvement sp future requirements are expected.
38. Learning ITIL through Poster usage
ITIL poster has been developed to aid in understanding the IT service management without necessarily having to stick one’s head into reading volumes of books. ITIL poster presents a clear overview of the ITIL structure and its processes. It provides the individual process areas, structure, maturity levels and capability levels of ITIL. It provides a graphical map showing the practical linkage Service Delivery and Service Support processes.
ITIL poster is not only an aid for those learning or understanding ITIL, but also allows others in the organization to become aware of the types of management in the IT service. It provides readers the change to see how IT service management works in organization and services as a point of reference too, for those who fail to trace back or recall some of the ITIL concepts.
ITIL poster can be customized based on the organization’s objective. An ITIL Process map may be used to show the IT service management flow. This process map services as an awareness campaign to employee as well as to customers. ITIL poster most of all reminds the organization of the framework that it should apply in keeping the IT service excellent.
39. ITIL PPT File: The Best Way to Create ITIL Presentations
With the use of colorful texts, pictures, charts, tables and other graphics, an ITIL presentation will indeed amaze the audience, and it will surely make it easier for them to understand ITIL. There are currently some web sites that offer downloadable ppt files about ITIL for free, while some offer it at a reasonable cost, depending on the quality of the presentation. This is also service as a foundation from which one can start learning ITIL and pursue certification courses in the future.
40. ITIL Demo Process: The Jigsaw Diagram
The Jigsaw Diagram shows five principal elements of ITIL drawn like jigsaw puzzle. The concept of this ITIL process demo diagram is that the major elements of ITIL can be linked together like a jigsaw puzzle—some of the pieces may fit perfectly and some not. The overlapping pieces represent the need to integrate each process of the diagram. They are the business perspective, service delivery, service support, ICT infrastructure management and applications management.
The business perspective illustrates the strategic level of the ITIL Jigsaw, and will discuss the issues of continuity management, partnerships, change survival and change in business practices.
Service delivery covers the management of the applications in a tactical level, and will include capacity management, financial management for shrives, service level management, availability management and continuity of IT service.
ICT infrastructure management is the core of service delivery and support while the applications management identifies the issues of change and will provide a solution to the situation.
The Jigsaw Diagram is an ITIL process demo diagram that shows how different pieces fit together to form one common goal.
41. Understanding Basic Concepts through ITIL Process Demo
As beginners, there are also ITIL process demos available on the internet. ITIL process demos are good sources of information, giving you a glimpse of the basic of ITIL, its functions and processes. You can consider this as a baseline in learning new things until you become an expert on ITIL. Viewing these demos will also make it easier for you to understand the entire process when you are already trying for your ITIL certification. With determination, coupled with positive thinking and a good working knowledge of ITIL, getting IT certification will be more than achievable.
42. ITIL Process Diagram: Jigsaw and BS15000
The ITIL process diagrams have two illustrations: the Jigsaw Diagram and the BS15000.The Jigsaw ITIL process diagram shows us five principal elements, which are represented by an illustration of a jigsaw puzzle with pieces overlapping each other. These overlapping elements establish the importance of integrating all the elements in order to achieve one common goal. The five principal elements are the business perspective, applications management, and IT service support and infrastructure management. The jigsaw diagram was formulated with the assistance of service management groups and organizations.
BS15000 ITIL process diagram was conceptualized by the British standards Institute and basically has the same elements as the jigsaw diagram except for the details and explanation. Both have ITIL principles for service management.
43. ITIL Process on Live Demo
An ITIL process flow live demo allow ITIL users to clearly understand the ITIL concepts and processes, as well as provide aids in handling problems within the management process. An example is the CMDB, wherein the software is used to register all IT assets including hardware, software, contracts, service level agreements, relevant information, and complete management of each component’s unique lifecycle. It also includes an audit log and history of change of the IT assets. The tapping or access to the CMDB and IT assets are secured, and access is given only to authorized personnel, The ITIL process flow live demo is software that, if bought, allows management to change constituents for approval, and allows configurable reports to be accessible for top management to read.
44. Tools to Aid ITIL Process
Three of the ITIL tools used are:
• Process management tools: refers to the management processes of ITIL and tracking of its statues, assignments, escalations, historical work performed, and tasks relative to fulfilling the work.
• Analysis Tools: refers to tools needed in analyzing relevant data. It enables a detailed understanding of metrics that aim to assist in providing accurate completion tasks.
• Execution Tools: refers to tools use to enable personnel responsible to complete the task using automated solutions.
45. Service Support and Service Delivery-The Two Significant Disciplines Involved in the ITIL process
Since eService Support is one that is too close to the users and/ or customers, constant feedback is often generated. This is especially true when users want changes to the system, want to incorporate new features and update them once they’re available, wants to ask for inquiries, and needs help when difficulties arise.
Another process, called Service Delivery, should also be taken into consideration. In it, the company should make sure that all services specified in the agreement (SLA) are given to the customer. Failure to do so will result in disputes and misunderstanding that can only lead to unfavorable circumstances between the two parties.
46. ITIL Quiz/ Exam: The Biggest Challenge for Potential ITIL Professionals
The ITIL quiz/ exam usually comes in a simplified multiple choice format, wherein you select the best possible answer for the question presented. The level of toughness depends on the certification level that you are applying for. More often than not, you will receive the results and certificate within four weeks after the examination session. There is no limit to the number of times you can retake the ITIL quiz/ exam, if you failed to get a passing score.
Many people consider taking up ITIL training courses mainly for career and personal development reasons. If you are considering a change of career path, ITIL certification is needed, since most advertised job postings require if as a prerequisite, if not an extra qualification that will put your resume on top of the pile. To acquire basic knowledge about ITIL, there are a lot of training manuals available for you to read. However, it is still the best option to attend an accredited training course for intermediate or diploma levels.
47. ITIL Salary Increase with Certification
Although the ITIL salary will vary upon the different areas of expertise, any experience in the field of ITIL application will definitely be an advantage to anyone. Certification plays a great part in Information Technology, especially in ITIL. This could affect your capability and your value in IT job market. ITIL provides different certifications for each type of training. The most basic would be the ITIL Foundation Certificate, followed by the ITIL Practitioner Certificate, and then the ITIL Manager Certificate. Additional certificate of the latest ITIL V3 are now also being offered, which could further increase your value to the IT marketplace.
48. ITIL Security Management: Increasing the Company’s Level of Security
ITIL Security Management is intended to make sure that the security aspects of services are provided at a level that is agreeable to both the service provider and the customer. It provides a common and well-understood concept to both parties, in such a way that they will have a better understanding of the reasons behind the needed security policies and procedures.
ITIL Security Management is divided into two parts. First is the realization of the security requirements, as written in the Service Level Agreement (SLA), and other external requirements that are specified in other contracts of policies. Second is the realization of a basic level of security to guarantee the continuity of the organization and reach a simplified level of Service Level Management for information security.
49. Service Delivery: Capacity Management in ITIL
Capacity management ensures that the business is able deliver existing and future IT infrastructure requirements at the right moment, right time and the most cost-effective way. Capacity management falls under the Service Delivery of ITIL and involves three other sub-processes: Business Capacity Management, Service Capacity Management and Resource Capacity Management. In ITIL .V3, Resource Capacity Management was renamed Component Capacity Management.
50. Service Support and Processes
ITIL Service Support is just one of the two disciplines of IT Service Management. It includes the support procedures handle the problems and changes in the in the IT framework. There are six main processes that are included in this framework. They are the following:
• Help Desk: is a tracking procedure that helps with client requests and problems.
• Incident Management: focuses on the reestablishment of services following an incident.
• The problem Management: concentrates on recognizing the causes of service issues,
• Configuration Management: processes the report and archiving of individual infrastructure.
• Change Management: manages any change that is presented into to the IT framework.
• Release Management: attends to large scale changes in the IT environment.
51. ITIL Training: Defining the Different ITIL Certification Courses
ITIL training that is normally accredited are: Foundations Certificate Course, Practitioners Certificate Course and Managers Certificate Course.
A Foundations Certificate Course is like a basic training course, wherein students are given an overview on ITIL, its objectives and benefits; as well as the definition of terms and concepts needed to clearly understand the processes and functions involved in the ITIL best practice framework.
A Practitioners Certificate course is like a second-level course, and focuses on discussions needed to gain a more in-depth understanding about the different activities involved in ITIL. This is more of a training guide to people who will soon work on, or are currently working within, a specific ITIL process.
On the other hand, the Manager Certificate Course is the highest level of ITIL training, wherein the individual, who should be at a Managerial position, has at least five years if working knowledge in IT. This course focuses on developing the vision of making using of ITIL within the organization. It also covers discussions about dealing with changes within the organization, and how to overcome and manage such changes to your advantage.
52. ITIL V3: From Process to Service Life Cycle
ITIL version 2 gave focus to the process cycle. This then gave rise to ITIL V3. It placed focus on the service life cycle, establishing importance to business value rather than in the execution processes.
ITIL V3 care volumes are:
• Service Strategy deals with identification as to the type of services to be marketed based on the needs of internal or external customers.
• Service Design deals with how the strategy should take place through creation of a design document to cover aspects that require support.
• Service Transition deals with the implementation of the strategy, and the creation of a product service of modification of an existing service.
• Service Operation deals with activities necessary in the service and maintenance of operations. Ensuring that requirements as defined in the Service Level Agreements are met.
• Continual Service Improvement deals with continuous delivery of quality service to customers.
53. ITIL and White Papers in PPT
Nowadays a new form of information provided through website readers is white paper ppt.
In an IT service management, ITIL white paper is now the commonly used authoritative report for providing information on the framework structure of the ITIL and the ITIL and the best practices in the IT services. ITIL is used to educate customers as well as companies in making decisions about improving their IT service management
ITIL white paper ppt should be carefully crafted so as not to mislead others that it was written for marketing purpose. The ITIL white paper should be accomplished by giving an educational content that would be relevant to interested readers. It should focus on the reader’s needs in getting specific solutions from the sponsor paper. The ITIL white paper ppt should provide an extensive discussion on what has been gained from advanced IT service paper should provide the procedural steps to planning, selecting and implementing ITIL out of the box and into the management level.
54. Customize Your ITIL Workflow
ITIL workflow software has been made available for organizations to create their own work processes following the standard guideline of ITIL. End users of the ITIL workflow can create a workflow even without programming skills. The ITIL workflow software completely automates the activities, from the time the system has forwarded ( via email) the tasks and approvals to the assigned officers or group recipients. The system automatically processes the task and approvals, and progresses to the next task or approval, and so on ‘til finality.
The use of the ITIL workflow software allows users a better understanding of the IT work process, and how things should be handled within the IT departments. The ITIL workflow software can be an effective tool as you improve the reliability and the organization’s responsiveness on proving IT services and processes. It can also give your organization a fast turnaround on change and reduce the rework or duplicated efforts of your organization, thus reducing implementation costs as well.
55. A short Definition of ITIL Best Practice
Below is a list of Best Practice functions and a brief description of each.
Service Support relates to five areas of discipline such as Configuration Management; Problem Management; Change Management; Help desk; and Software Control and Distribution. These areas enable IT Service to be provided.
Service Delivery is the management of IT services itself. Under Service Delivery would be: Service Level Management; Capacity Management; Contingency Management; Availability Management; and Cost Management for IT Service. These areas allow us a snapshot of the role of Service Delivery management, which is to ensure that the overall efficiency of delivery of services to customers can be sustained.
The area of Planning to Implement Service Management is an important ITIL framework. Its job is to align the business needs with IT resources.
ICT Infrastructure Support and Management provide the necessary support in line with Best Practice guidance on any requirements needed. These includes: planning, design, testing, deployment, operations necessitating technical support, and management.
ITIL Application Management identifies the service level requirements of business.
56.Change Advisory Board of ITIL
The Change Advisory Board (or CAB) is a group that assesses any request for changes regarding the needs of the business, it priorities, the benefits and cost, and the possible impact of the change to the other systems and operations. Usually, the recommendations for any implementation, further evaluation and analysis, postponement and cancellation are done by the CAB. It is comprised of groups of people who offer expert advice to the Change Management team about implementation of the changes. The board is made up of representatives coming from the business units, and any parties outside the premises of the organization that are considered necessary.
57.The ITIL Capacity Process
The Capacity Management of ITIL is only one of the five components of the Service Delivery area of ITIL. The nature of the work is not reactive, but proactive. It is responsible for ensuring that the needs of the business and definition of the service are fulfilled using the minimum measurement of resources. The process of Capacity Management involves monitoring, tuning, analyzing and implementing the changes necessary in the utilization of the resources that requires the understanding of the priorities of the business. Modeling is a performance of Capacity Management used for the simulation of the performance of the infrastructure and to know the future needs of the resources.
58. The Benefits of Using an ITIL Case
What are the benefits that a company can derive from distributing an ITIL case study to its IT staff? First and foremost customer satisfaction will probably increase. One dissatisfied customer will probably result to a hundred more (if the underlying problem is not addressed directly). The team must learn to be proactive in cases caused by technical glitches. Take care of the problem before the customers even detect it. Eventually, the organization may find that IT infrastructure complaints or failures will be reduced by such a policy. Cost reduction is another benefit the company can get from learning from case studies. Since developing procedures and practices within the organization costs money, if the IT personnel learn from the case studies, that is a good investment.
When information is organized and prepared into ITIL case studies, the staff gains the confidence to face customers because they know they are well prepared. This may result in better communication between the customers and IT staff. Most of all, standards can be improved with the ultimate goal of guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
59. How to Pass an ITIL Case Study Exam
Normally, the exam consists of one general question and four process questions. There is no doubt that you could easily answer the general question, but since an ITIL Service Manager is responsible for a number of areas of disciplines in ITIL, you should prepare by reading ITIL case studies, since you do not know which area will be covered specifically. You have to be prepared if ITIL case studies are also included in the exam.
Reviewing adequately is the key. You have to be familiar with different cases covering the different areas of concern that an ITIL Manager may encounter, such as Service and Delivery. Make use of the available reviewers from your training provider. Try to simulate a real-life exam situation. Practice answering case problems under time pressure. Getting used to the exam scenario will make the actual exam less stressful.
Read and understand thoroughly any ITIL case study you may come across. Get into the heart of the case and do not linger on the sidelights too long. Your resources should be devoted to covering as many problems as you possibly can, without sacrificing quality. Be focused on the case study you choose, without being distracted by minor data that are merely incidental to the real issue. Always base your solutions on the ITIL Best Practice discipline. You will also be able to maximize your chances of passing if you are able to see the exam through the eyes of the examiner or exam creator.
60. The Importance of ITIL Certification
Relying on ITIL will help organizations help their costs to a minimum; assure quick results; segregate staff concerned with technical issues from those who are of a non-technical capacity; and give them the ability to measure technical support performance.
61. Do My IT People need to Be ITIL Certified?
IT professionals are nowadays required to be equipped with the global standard in knowledge of IT technology, which usually means being IT certified.
When you are ITIL certified, that means that you have sufficient skills to support IT-dependent organizations in their quest to present a comprehensive set of management procedures to help them (and their client organizations) in the management of their IT operation. ITIL supports IT service providers in the planning of consistent, documented and frequently used processes. These improve the quality and promptness of service delivery. It is essential for the IT professional who is aspiring for ITIL certification to be fully knowledgeable about his craft as IT is synonymous with swift standard and accurate quality service.
62. What Benefits will You Get from Taking an ITIL Course
ITIL course are ideal for those who would like to learn more about ITIL that is used by global companies. You may be able to learn about the basic of ITIL all by yourself as you do research and by reading books. However, if you wish to pass the ITIL certification exams to determine your level of knowledge, it will be much more beneficial for you, and for the company that you represent, to take an ITIL course. With an ITIL course, you will learn the basics on ITIL service management. Your business management skills will also be developed, and you will have a deeper understanding of the key ITIL process relationships. By signing up for an ITIL course, you will be able to get that ITIL certification and have a better understanding of how ITIL frameworks, processes and guidelines benefit and assist business all over the world.
63. eTOM and ITIL
eTOM is a classification for the activities done by the service provider in an organization. When eTOM and ITIL are described, they are both frameworks of a business process for the service providers. Their difference is that eTOM has a wider approach than ITIL, while ITIL focuses on the operational part of the lifecycle of the service. ITIL describes the best practices in textual way, while eTOM uses an engineering approach since it considers engineering services, the management of orders and sales processes of the organization.
64. Why You Need to Have an ITIL Foundation Certifications to be bona fide IT professional
First, it help to be ITIL qualified because by studying for the certification, you will be more familiar with the best practices used in the IT service management industry and have a background of the ITIL frameworks and guidelines. There are several levels of the ITIL certifications, including ITILv2 and ITILv3.
Whether an IT company requires ITIL certification or not, it will still present big career opportunities for you in the future if you pass the ITIL certification exams.
With a higher level of ITIL certification, you can use your IIL foundation principles; apply them to the needs of your own organization, and think of how they can be effectively implemented. With an ITIL Foundation certification, you can advance your knowledge of the ITIL framework, develop them as you see suitable for your company’s needs, and lead the pact in the IT industry.
65. All about ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
If you decide to advance your knowledge and take on the ITIL V2 challenge, then you need to learn about two things; service support and service delivery. These are two terms that you will often stumble upon if you want to obtain an ITIL Foundation Certification in IT Service Management. With service support, you will know how management affects a company’s service desk and how to efficiently manage or handle your company’s IT configuration, and how to proceed when facing a given situation. On the other hand, service delivery will teach you what service delivery is all about, and how to manage your company’s IT capacity as well as your finances, service continuity and availability management. All in all, an ITIL Foundation Certification in IT Service Management will give you a clear understanding of how your business, the customers, the management processes, and industry standards all come together to form a coherent whole.
66. Sample Questions of ITIL Foundation
The sample questions provided in any ITIL exam help in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the examinee before taking the actual examination. Sample questions can also aid in improving knowledge regarding the main concepts of the exam. A preparatory kit containing sample questions is made by some well-known ITIL professionals. The kit usually concise and comprehensive, to assist the examinee in passing the actual ITIL exam. The kit contains a brief introduction about ITIL, some sample questions and their corresponding answers.
67. The ITIL Foundation Exam
The practice tests of ITIL foundation consist of questions that are asked in several ways, but will arrive at the same answers. The exams can be given by organizations that are reputable when it comes to ITIL exams, and can help you go in the right direction. If you are interested in taking the ITIL exam, what you really need is a good and reliable IT service provider, since they offer different exam for their client. You can also purchase exams that are provided by accredited organization. If there are offerings for past ITIL exams, do not believe at once that they are completely accurate; you might put yourself into a not so good situation. There is a big possibility have that those exam do not have the correct answer.
68. What is the ITIL Incident Management?
What is the ITIL Incident management? It is one part of the ITIL service area of support. It focuses primarily on Incident Management (or IM), which is concerned with restoring services prior to incidents, as promptly as possible. Incident Management basically allows the organization to react by providing guidance in escalating diagnostic procedures required to rapidly restore service.
69. Some guidance questions to manage the services
• Is the measurement of the IT results based on the outcome of the business?
• Can problems be identified and solved even before if threaten the goal of the business?
• Can the manager control the risks to the business due to change s that may be either planned or unplanned?
• Does the manager have the right control of the processes regarding service management, and can be he comply with the requirements?
70. The basic function of ITIL Management
The basic function of ITIL management is to manage the Service Support and Service Delivery departments, Which are the two keys areas of ITIL Management. ITIL Management incorporates an overview of the business into its systems into its system design for the benefit of senior management, so that they can oversee the effective delivery of IT services to customers. Both the positions of Service Support and Service Delivery should be occupied by competent senior managers who hold an accredited ITIL Foundation Certificate, and an ITIL Service Manager Certificate as well.
71. What is Prince2
PRINCE is the shorthand term for Projects In Controlled Environments, a process-based system applied for useful project management. PRINCE2, however, is an actual standard that is extensively used by the UK government, and which is also broadly used by those in the private sectors, both within the UK and abroad.
PRINCE2 is a method in a public domain, and can offer non-proprietary best practices for guiding project management. It is also a registered trademark of the OGC of UK government.
72. What are the Features of PRINCE 2?
The main concerns of PRINCE2 are to focus on business justification; emphasizing a team definition in organization the structure used for project management, maintaining a product based approach in planning, using a definite cycle, definition of possible problems, dividing projects into a controllable and manageable sequence, and having the capacity to be flexible in applying an appropriate level for a project.
73. The Importance of ITIL Problem Management Procedures
ITIL problem management procedures are used by organizations to try to minimize the impact of incident on business, caused by errors within the IT infrastructure. Problem management procedure works when the ITIL personnel seek out incident types that frequently crop up. These are then solved through identification of the original cause so that these incidents do not recur anymore. Problem management works first through detection and then by removal of what has caused the failure.
74. Getting to Know the Different ITIL Processes
ITIL service support processes are divided into six major areas of concern, namely: service desk or help or help desk, incident management, problem management, configuration management, change management, and release management.
The help desk or service desk is a solitary point of focus for all IT services made for clients, responsible for reporting problems or requests for services.
Incident management focuses on restoring services following an incident. Incident management basically is a reactive process that provides diagnostic guidance and tends to react as quickly as possible to restore service.
Problem management focuses on identifying the ways preventive measures become necessary, and the cause of service related issues. It processes reactive responses triggered by incidents and identifies them to prevent future occurrence.
Configuration management guides staff in the collection and archiving of reports about individual infrastructure component specifications.
Change management manages the changes that are newly introduced into the IT infrastructure.
75. The Impact of Using an ITIL Process Mapping Demo
The Demo must successfully sell decision-makers on how valuable process mapping can be to the business, in ways such as
• Achievement of goals: To provide the business with a specific program of activities through process mapping
• A snapshot of the business operation: To provide the company a view of how actual things are done in the operation of the business. From manufacturing, maybe, up to how the finish product is delivered to the customers.
• Cross departmental view of the organization: To let the company see through the eyes of the customer to improve customer satisfaction.
• Give greater adaptability to IT operations: Provide a fast solution to standardization of the organization.
ITIL process mapping must be able to present a top level perspective of the entire organization, with all its departments and projects considered as well. The demo must be able to satisfy the doubts and questions of the decision-makers. It must also achieve the ITIL process mapping demo objective of being able to close a registration or a contract.
76. ITIL Sample Test
Sample question such as there are provided by the ITIL foundations to test the skills of exam takers and help them prepare for the actual exam. The sample test helps exam takers train for the discipline of configuration management, service desk management, incident management, problem management, problem management, change management, release management, SLM, financial management, availability management, capacity management, ITSCM and other subjects as well. This is very useful to the test taker who wants to get the most comprehensive knowledge of ITIL he can.
Though a sample test may include only some questions similar to those in the real exam, it can still adequately prepare the test taker to be at his best, and be able to perform well during the actual exam.
77. What’s Service Management
Service management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services. The capabilities take the form of functions and processes for managing services over a lifecycle, with specializations in strategy, design, transition, operation, and continual improvement. The capabilities represent a service organization’s capacity, competency, and confidence for action. The act of transforming resources into valuable services is at the core of service management. Without these capabilities, a service organization is merely a bundle of resources that by itself has relatively low intrinsic value for customers.
Service management is also a professional practice supported by an extensive body of knowledge, experience, and skills. A global community of individuals and organizations in the public and private sectors fosters its growth and maturity. Formal schemes that exist for the education, training and certification of practicing organizations and individuals influence its quality. Industry best practices, academic research and formal standards contribute to its intellectual capital and draw from it.
78.Why ITIL
ITIL provides a systematic and professional approach to the management of IT service provision. Adopting its guidance offers users a huge range of benefits that include:
• Reduced costs;
• Improved IT services through the use of proven best practice processes;
• Improved customer satisfaction through a more professional approach to service delivery;
• Standards and guidance;
• Improved productivity;
• Improved use of skills and experience; and
• Improved delivery of third party services through the specification of ITIL or ISO 20000 as the standard for service delivery in services procurements.
79.What’s ITIL v2
• Service Delivery: Service Support and Service Delivery are considered to be at the heart of the ITIL framework for IT Service Management. The ITIL book on Service Delivery describes the services the customer needs to support their business, and what is needed to provide these services.
• Service Support: The ITIL book on Service Support describes how customers and users can get access to the appropriate services to support their activities and the business, and how those services are supported.
• Business Perspective: The Business Perspective book will cover a range of issues concerned with understanding and improving IT service provision, as an integral part of an overall business requirement for high quality IS management.
• Security Management: The objective of Security Management is to protect the value of the information, in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability. This is based on security requirements laid down in Service Level Agreements, which relate to contractual requirements, legislation and organizational policy.
• ICT Infrastructure Management: ICT Infrastructure Management is concerned with the processes, organization and tools needed to provide a stable IT and communications infrastructure that is aligned with business needs at acceptable cost. ICT Infrastructure Management is technology-focused.
• Application Management: Application Management provides an outline of the Application Management lifecycle and is a guide for business users, developers and service managers of how applications can be managed from a service management perspective.
• Planning to Implement Service Management: The main aims of this book are to give practical guidance on the key issues that need to be considered when planning for the implementation of IT service management, and to explain the essential steps needed to implement or improve service provision.
80.Why a Lifecycle
The architecture of the ITIL Core is based on a Service Lifecycle. Each volume of the core is represented in the Service Lifecycle. Service Design, Service Transition and Service Operation are progressive phases of the Lifecycle that represent change and transformation. Service Strategy represents policies and objectives. Continual Service Improvement represents learning and improvement.
Service Strategy (SS) is the axis around which the lifecycle rotates. Service Design (SD), Service Transition (ST), and Service Operation (SO) implement strategy. Continual Service Improvement (CSI) helps place and prioritize improvement programmers and projects based on strategic objectives.
81.What’s ISO20000
The ISO/IEC 20000 standard, better known as ISO 20000, was published in December 2005. It promotes the adoption of an integrated process approach to deliver high quality IT services and is closely aligned to ITIL. The standard comprises two sub-standards: ISO 20000-1 is the specification for Service Management against which an organization can certify and ISO 20000-2, which is the Code of Practice for IT Service Management, describing best practices in this area.
The principles of the standard are:
• Integrated process approach
• Continual improvement based on the Deming or PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
82.Why a Lifecycle
The architecture of the ITIL Core is based on a Service Lifecycle. Each volume of the core is represented in the Service Lifecycle. Service Design, Service Transition and Service Operation are progressive phases of the Lifecycle that represent change and transformation. Service Strategy represents policies and objectives. Continual Service Improvement represents learning and improvement. Service Strategy (SS) is the axis around which the lifecycle rotates. Service Design (SD), Service Transition (ST), and Service Operation (SO) implement strategy. Continual Service Improvement (CSI) helps place and prioritize improvement programmers and projects based on strategic objectives.
83.Reasons Why You Should Apply Capacity Management in Your Business
Reasons why you should capacity management in your business are:
a) In implementing capacity management, you can get a lot of existing IT resources, and this could improve the cost of the IT service unit position.
b) By going through this process, you can also get rid of redundant work and guarantee reliable reporting.
c) This can give timely capacity and other connected cost information to have a more organized and informed business decision.
d) The process can offer a wide range of inputs to TCO. This could also provide major IT related programs and upgrades.
84. What You WILL Learn on ITIL Foundation
What you will learn on ITIL Foundation:
Discovering and exploring the different ITIL principles to decrease hardware failure is one of the topics you will learn in this course. This course will get you ready
For the ITILV3 foundation Certification Exam. You will recognize the opportunities to build IT processes by utilizing ITILV3.Aside from that you can work together with IT teams using ITIL terminology and ideas. Through this, you will recognize the significance of IT and business integration. It is very important that you explore and discover the components of Service Management Processes. By enrolling in this course you will learn and see the benefit of Continual Service Improvement in a company.
85. Benefit in Taking ITIL Foundation Course
Benefits in taking this course:
This unique process and format in the course follows the guiding principles and gives broad coverage of ITIL V3 Foundation Certification Exam subjects. The ITIL v3 is the latest version that is used in best practice framework in IT. Attaining the Foundation Certification signifies clearly that you can play a great part in improving the IT system in your organization.
86. Free ITIL Sample Tests Available online
Any student who is about to take an exam is anxious to know what the test questions are about. Those who take board exams and bar exams are no
Different from the average person in that respect. It is a welcome relief then that review schools offer pre-testing and other tips helpful or passing an
Exam. ITIL schools also offer copies of an ITIL Sample Test and trail testing. The sample test is available free on line. The actual exam contains 40
Questions which are supposed to be answered within 60 minutes. The exam is in the form of multiple choices with a passing score of 26 out of 40.
What is the use of going through a sample test? Well, we know that our brain has more storage capacity than that of any computer, and it is capable
Of storing volume upon volume of information. Therefore, the lessons we have learned before are stored up in our brain. However, just like re
computers, there are times when we need to click on the refresh button to activate some files. This is way we use reviews and sample tests.
87. Main aspects of the methods for service delivery defined by ITIL standards:
• The first part is grouped into three classifications: The Customers who are the party responsible for contracting IT Services and listing down the IT projects given to the right service provider account. The user, the people who are responsible for using the IT services in question, so they can function in their assigned tasks within tasks within their employer organization. The organization, this is the IT group which is said to be the client for the IT services provided by the service provider.
• The second part in service delivery involves service level management.
• The third part is called CMDB, which deals with the detailed information about system configuration, like hardware and software.
• The fourth part is devoted to availability management, which is basically about making sure that the IT service provider can always be available and reliable with IT services properly maintained to ensure good service.
• The fifth part, which is based on capacity management, will require staff to draw up capacity plans, monitor IT performance, and even simulate capacity requirements.
• The sixth part lists the area of financial management, where its people are responsible for measuring the financial cost of the service and tagging the preferred service provider service provider who can offer a reasonable price.
• The last part gives information about IT Service Continuity Management that evaluates, and draws up contingency plans, so that the service provider can assure the rapid recovery of the service when disastrous and severe faults in the IT infrastructure rear their ugly head.
88. How can ITIL software asset management can benefit you
Some of the benefits brought about by asset management are:
• The supply of accurate information for all IT configuration items that can support the service delivery and support process;
• Provision of trend and impact analysis information in change management and problem management;
• Improvement in IT security featuring an advantageous configuration in item control;
• An increase in customer satisfaction;
• Improvement in financial planning trough clear identification of all the assets and all related associations;
• Improved software license management; and
• Increase confidence in IT service management and the IT system being used.
89. What are ITIL templates?
What are ITIL templates? Basically, these are your easy-to-understand references when it comes to ITIL implementation. If your organization is complying with the ITIL guidelines, then you will find that ITIL templates to be beneficial. First, the people who will benefit from templates include the following: employee who are dealing with the creation and customization of your company’s Service Level Agreement; those who are in charges in the company’s business processes.
90. Choosing the Right ITIL Training Center
When choosing the right ITIL training center, you must consider some things that a quality center must have.
First and foremost, the center must be accredited by the government (of the country you work in) to give exams and issue certificates.
The ITIL Training Center, as well as their instructors, must have enough experience in the trade or course they handle.
Usually, this kind of training involves payment of substantial tuition fees. You should treat this as a career investment, so be meticulous in your choice. Check the amount of fees they charge, are they within industry standards? Just because you believe you are guaranteed to receive good pay after you have gotten your certificate does not mean you should just pay any fee amount.
Your training provider must have specialized in the kind of training you are considering.
The training center must also have a laboratory, complete with a full range of ITIL books.
91. The main differences between ITILV2 and ITILV3
The changes reflect the way ITSM has matured over the past decades. For example:
• Where v2 talked about Business and IT Alignment, v3 emphasises Business and IT integration.
• Where v2 talked about Value Chain Management, v3 emphasises Value Network Integration.
• Where v2 talked about Linear Service Catalogues, v3 emphasises Dynamic Service Portfolios.
• Where v2 talked about Collection of integrated Processes, v3 emphasises Holistic Service Management Lifecycle
92. Does an ITIL career pay a good wage
And IT profession may become a more rewarding career if you simply keep adding a few more training courses ad studies to your ‘cap”. Being globally accepted and utilized and IT career can bring you a prosperous future and long-lasting employment prospects. IT is well accepted as a basic tool in any industry and / or occupation, and could therefore be rated as a must for any organization to possess as a resource. The practical question though is: does it pay well?
A Global knowledge market organization listed the ITIL Managers Certificate as being fifth in the top ten lists of the ten highest-paying certifications one can get in the technology industry. The average annual salary of an ITIL manager Certificate was listed at $94,000.00. Those with an ITIL Practitioners Certificate are believe to earn an average annual income of $87,917.00.People who choose to pursue Information Technology careers an can expect average annual income of $112088.00 (being the highest) and $78,579(the base)as June 2007.
93. Three reasons why ISO20000 certification is NOT ITIL V3 certification
Studying this latest ISO20000 paper reveals three reasons why ISO20000 certification of an organization is NOT ITIL certification:
1. ISO20000 only recognizes the management of financial assets, not assets which include "management, organization, process, knowledge, people, information, applications, infrastructure and financial capital", nor the concept of a "service asset". So ISO20000 certification says nothing about the management of 'assets' in an ITIL sense.
2. ISO20000 does not recognize CMS or SKMS, and so does not certify anything beyond CMDB
3. An organization can obtain ISO20000 certification without recognizing or implementing the ITIL concept of Known Error, usually considered essential ITIL.
94 The Benefits of ISO 20000 Implementation
Implementation of ISO 20000 brings with it many benefits and advantages. These will of course differ from organization to organization. However, the following list is a pretty good representation of the common results:
1. Alignment of information technology services and business strategy.
2. Creation of a formal framework for current service improvement projects
3. Provides a benchmark type comparison with best practices
4, Creates competitive advantage via the promotion of consistent and cost-effective services.
5. By requiring ownership and responsibility at all levels, it creates a progressive ethos and culture.
6. Supports 'interchanging' of service providers and staff by virtue of the creation of inter-enterprize operational processes.
7. Reduction of risk and thus cost in terms of external service receipt
8. Through the creation of a standard consistent approach, aids major organizational changes.
9. Enhanced reputation and perception
10. Fundamental shift to pro-active rather than re-active processes
11. Improved relationship between different departments via better definition and more clarity in terms of responsibility and goals.
12. Creation of a stable framework for both resource training and service management automation.
95. What is an IT Service?
The concept of IT services compels the IT managers to take a holistic view of the IT infrastructure. Traditionally, IT managers are used to managing individual IT components i.e. server, database, application, network etc.
The “IT Service” concept views IT from an end user perspective i.e. IT service is what the customer or consumer receives. The IT service itself can be made up of hardware, software and communication facilities, but is perceived by the customer/consumer as a self contained, coherent entity.
The IT service in turn is made up of various components. For example email service provided by the IT department is made up of IT components like Email server, email server application, email client application, LAN/WAN and the Desktop computer. Deterioration in any of the IT components will affect the end-user IT service i.e. email service.
96. How are ITSM and ITIL related?
IT Service Management is a structured approach to IT service delivery and support. IT Service Management (ITSM) concept can be realized by adopting the ITIL best practices framework. At the core of ITIL framework are the two Service Management modules called “Service Delivery” and “Service Support”. ITIL framework takes a comprehensive view of ITSM and hence also includes other areas like application management, infrastructure management and security management. In all ITIL today has 7 modules that impact IT service management. All the ITIL areas are elaborated ahead.
97. Introducing ITSM
Today, Business Services are increasingly delivered or enabled using Information Technology. Business and IT management need guidance and support on how to manage the IT infrastructure in order to improve functionality and quality in a cost effective manner. The concept of IT Service Management (ITSM) is at the heart of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). ITIL provides the much-needed guidance on how to manage IT infrastructure so as to streamline IT services in line with business expectations. ITIL is a best practices framework, it presents the consolidated learning’s and experience of organisations worldwide on how to best manage IT services to meet business expectations.
98. Barriers to Adoption of ITIL processes
According to Rovers, perhaps the biggest barrier to the adoption of ITIL processes is a lack of visibility; many of his potential customers “have no clue” of these service-oriented best practices: “It’s a big unknown,” he says. Once this awareness hurdle has been vaulted, he contends the stiffest challenge facing IT management pursuing an ITSM approach is resistance to change. Because ITSM “involves peoples’ jobs,” managers can’t implement it merely as a process change. He points out that while the most successful implementations “institutionalize responsibilities as low as possible in the organization,” this empowerment comes with accountability, a “dirty word” to some. He suggests that businesses inculcate accountability without people feeling their jobs are on the line.
Another area of possible staff resistance comes when it’s time to document processes. Forsythe’s Tainter points out that most IT staff is not skilled in documentation and may see it as unnecessary overhead. He notes that this issue may be especially acute for small companies (for example, those with less than 30 IT staff) because they may find there just aren’t enough people available to manage the array of ITIL processes.
Both Rovers and Tainter agree that a successful ITSM implementation requires strong leadership and management sponsorship. Rovers stresses that ITIL only deals with one-third of the who/what/how trinity of questions IT departments must answer in transforming their organization?/font>namely “the what,” for example, processes and best practices that should be adopted. He says the tough work of an IT leader is mapping these processes to the people within an organization charged with implementing each process (“the who”) and to the tools required for implementation (“the how”). According to Tainter, one of the primary tasks of an ITSM champion is justifying an effort that features benefits that aren’t easily quantifiable (for example, improving “soft costs” such as productivity or customer satisfaction that can’t easily be translated into a hard ROI figure).
99 The Problems of NOT Having a Service Desk
• Users/Customers are not sure who to contact when they have a problem
• Incidents are duplicated or lost
• Technical support staff are constantly interrupted, or requested to work on inappropriate issues
• Work effort is often duplicated
• Work is allocated on the basis of each technical department’s priorities, not on the overall importance of an IT service to the business
• Problem resolution is un-coordinated and inefficient, therefore more expensive
• Management information is fragmented and often irrelevant
100. Some of Benefits that an ITIL Overview Simulator Software Provides
There are some of benefits that ITIL overview simulator software provides to IT service management:
• To be able predict the course and results of certain actions.
• To have an understanding of why events occur.
• To be able to indentify problem areas before implementation.
• To explore results of the modifications made.
• To be able to evaluate ideas and identify the reasons behind inefficiencies.
• To gain insight and stimulate one’s creative thinking.
• To be able to communicate the simulation results with integrity and feasibility of your proposals.
September 2008 EMA Analyst’s Corner:
Answers to the Top 10 ITIL Questions
One of the constants in IT is change. So, it should come as no surprise that ITIL has changed as well. ITIL version 2 was published in 2000, and last year some significant changes were included in the ITIL version 3. As is the case with any change, people often have many questions. Therefore, I’ve compiled the top 10 most frequently asked questions from clients about ITI
Answers to Top 10 ITIL Questions:
1. What is ITIL? ITIL is The Information Technology Infrastructure Library. It was produced by the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and is a collection of best practices for IT management. It is comprised of five separate main volumes. These volumes address the complete IT lifecycle and include information on the most basic IT Management concepts, such as Change Management, Service Catalog and Configuration Management Database.
2. What are my competitors doing with the ITIL? Chances are, they are completing ITIL training and implementing many of the concepts and best practices found in the ITIL. In a recent survey on Service Catalog Implementations, over 90% of the respondents had ITIL training – regardless of whether they had decided to implement the Service Catalog.
3. How big does my organization need to be before I need ITIL? ITIL doesn’t just fit large organizations. The processes espoused by ITIL are a framework for managing all IT organizations. While you may not find it is appropriate for your organization to completely break out and implement every management tool, you should evaluate all of the best practices and determine which are most appropriate for your organization. Our advice is to follow your pain points. Identify what will give you the most bang for the buck.
4. Why get ITIL training? Can’t we just read the books? It is rare indeed to find the individual, much less the complete organization, that can be tossed a book on any subject and learn the concepts and apply them without some help. While you may be marginally successful, chances are you would create more problems than you would solve. EMA recommends some basic levels of training for your organization. See FAQ #6 below.
You will also find your organization will benefit through the standardization of terms and an overall understanding of the concepts presented in ITIL training.
5. Our organization is already underway with ITIL version 2. Do we really need to have training on ITIL version 3? There are some new concepts introduced in ITIL version 3 that were added due to the recognition of deficiencies in ITIL version 2. While the basics from version 2 are still in version 3, it makes sense, if you found version 2 worthwhile, to take advantage of the changes found in version 3. You should also ask yourself “Do we see CMDB or Service Catalog in our future?” Service Catalog Management was introduced as its own best practice in ITIL version 3. This is also one area of the ITIL that will make a dramatic impact on your relationships with your customers. The Configuration Management Database (CMDB) has had some basic changes as well. While ITIL version 2 talks to only one CMDB, ITIL version 3 addresses what EMA has long espoused in our consulting practice – multiple, federated CMDBs with a core CMDB providing coordination, integration, synchronization, and reconciliation services.
6. Who really needs training and at what level? Not everyone in your organization needs to be certified at the foundations level, nor do all of your managers need to be certified as ITIL Experts. During our assessments we help companies address this question. We find most need to have project personnel with some basic ITIL training. Senior managers can benefit from the ITIL Executive Overview and the Executive Workshop that teaches the basics on developing an ITIL Business Plan.
7. What level of training do I need? What is your position? If you are attempting to lead a major ITSM program, you should probably consider getting certified to the Expert level. This will give you the most complete picture of ITIL. If you are an executive that would like to simply be more aware of the ITIL, then we recommend the Executive Overview. As a manager or project team member working towards the implementation of a specific best practice, EMA recommends foundation training.
8. What should I look for in a training organization? You should ensure that any trainer is working with either EXIN or ISEB for examinations. All ITIL certifications are managed by these two examination boards in conjunction with the OGC and the IT Service Management Forum (itSMF), which comprise the ITIL Certification Management Board (ICMB).
9. What is the ROI for ITIL Training? EMA recommends you don’t look to the training itself to provide the answer, but to the ROI for the best practices you implement. Even with this, unless you have a clear picture of where you are today, you will struggle with the evaluation of the improvements. During our assessments, EMA routinely helps companies get a clear picture of their organizations before implementation, identify the optimal place to start improvements, and then define measurements to quantitatively recognize the impact of changes.
What is the process to get my organization ITIL Certified? While there are ITIL compliant tools, ITIL does not have any certification process for tools or organizations beyond the certification process for individuals.L, and provide answers to these questions.
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